meet Eric

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Once they were done practicing, you guys all went out to eat and talk about birthday presents.

Chan: so will anyone else be there?

Taelyn: mommy could we invite Eric?

You: oh yeah sure honey

Changbin: who's Eric?

You: just a little friend, I met his mom in the hospital when I had Taelyn, she was having Eric, she's helped me out before and we've kept in contact

Felix: ah ok, I'll look forward to meeting them

Hyunjin:Eric better not be a boyfriend Taelynie

Minho: Yeah, you're too young for that stuff

Jeongin: yeah we can't even date yet

Woojin: I think you mean, you can't date Jeongin-ah

You guys laughed and went back to eating and then left

You: I've got to go back home, we need to clean it all up from when Elise was there

Suengmin: well we've gotta go back to the dorms

Jisung: we will definitely see you tomorrow~

You: ok sounds good!

You guys said goodbye and you took Taelyn back home

Once you got back home you say down on the couch and put on the tv and got Taelyn's toys out for her to play with, you took out your phone and started to text Eric's mom, Minya, and you invited them to come over so then you guys could talk more

15 minutes later, she was there and brought Eric

15 minutes later, she was there and brought Eric

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Taelyn: ERIC

They ran to each other and hugged

You: hey Minya

Minya: it's so great to see you again dear, how have you been?

You: good good

Minya: so Taelyn will be 3 tomorrow, that's crazy, it's just like it was yesterday when I met you with little Taelyn

You: yeah, that certainly was a day

~Flashback time b~

You were rushing to the hospital with Elise

You: are we there yet?!?

Elise: almost honey, just hold on a bit longer

You: well I don't think this little one wants to

You guys finally got there and you were immediately put into a wheelchair and wheeled into another room, there were no private rooms so you had to go in a conjoined room with another woman, who was alone.

Doctor: you still have some time before you can deliver, so just sit tight, and oh looks like you've got a buddy now

You were put into the bed and the woman looked at you sympathetically

Woman: it's ok dear, the pain will go away, you wanna hold my hand, I still have a while till this little one comes around

You: thank you

Woman: oh and I'm Minya by the way, what's your name?

You: y/n

Minya: what a pretty name, do you have a name for the little one?

You: Taelyn

You got a sudden burst of pain and squeezed her hand a bit

Minya: it's ok, just breathe, in and out, deep breathes dear, you can do this

Nurse: ok, so it looks like you'll need to be moved to the delivery room right away

Doctor: do you have anyone with you?

You nodded

Doctor: who and where are they?

You: Elise, she's in the waiting room, I need her with me

Nurse: I'll go fetch her

Minya: good luck dear, you can do this!!

You were then being rushed to the delivery room

~Many hours later~

Elise: she's so beautiful y/n

Minya: knock knock

You looked at the door and Minya was there, still pregnant

You: oh hi Minya!

Minya: hey, I told you, you could do it, look at her she's so cute

You: I see yours still doesn't wanna come out?

Minya: well he's gonna come soon

Elise: hi I don't believe we have met, I'm Elise

You: oh yeah this is Minya, she was helping me calm down before Taelynie decided to come

Nurse: time for baby girl to be taken away for a bit

You: oh ok

You kisses her nose and gave her away

You looked over at Minya and she looked like she was in pain

You: hey you ok?

Minya: I think he's coming


Elise ran out and you went to Minya

You: where's the father?

Minya: he left

You: guess we have something in common

She looked up and smiled

You: I'll go with you then

Doctor: let's go honey, is she coming with?

Minya: yes

You went with her and stuck by her side till the very end

You: come Minya, one more push, you can do it

She gave the last push all she could and then you heard a baby cry

Doctor: welcome to the world baby Eric

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