puppy time

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After about 5 minutes of everyone playing rock paper scissors to see who has to clean everything up, in the end, Changbin had to clean it

Changbin: I shouldn't have to clean up these hairy oversized rats' crap

Jeongin: hey they are adorable, no need to be salty that you lost

Changbin: don't make you be the next mess we have to clean up

You: "we're ready for two puppies" my butt, can't even pick up after it

Felix: YA! Stop with that attitude

Chan: what should we name them

You bent down to get a proper look at them and started thinking of names

Woojin: which one is a boy or girl?

Chan: well let's take them outside and let Changbin clean up the mess, we need to get a head start with potty training

You picked up one and Felix picked up the other and you guys brought them back outside

You: aww look how cute let me take a picture

You: aww look how cute let me take a picture

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Seungmin: I think they're both boys

Hyunjin looked at Seungmin then looked back at the puppies

Hyunjin: you sure about that?

Minho: ugh I'll check

He bent down to the puppies and picked them both up a bit

Minho: congratulations, it's boys

Jisung: you sure?

Minho: well they definitely aren't girls

Chan: OK enough, any name suggestions?

Taelyn: I want the lighter one to be named jjongi

Felix: I like that name, one more name then

Changbin: how about Sheemus?

Chan: what the heck kind of name is Sheemus

Changbin: I was kidding, that's the first thing that came to mind

He started to laugh slightly while everyone looked at the dark dog silently thinking

Felix: what about Ash??

You: oooo I like that, it fits him

Hyunjin: so I guess we have our names

Minho: welcome to the family jongi and Ash

Jisung: you're gonna regret coming into this family, we are a whole idiot and a half

Jeongin: how does that make sense

Jisung picked up Ash and looked at him

Jisung: see what I mean, idiots

You rolled your eyes and Taelyn went over to jongi and started petting him, she kissed his forehead

Taelyn: we will be the best of friends

Felix: OK everyone, it's getting cold, let's go finish getting everything settled

Chan: oh yeah, come on

Jisung put Ash down and ran off inside

Ash then waddled over to jongi and Taelym and started to paw at her

Taelyn: OK come on, let's finish the tour

Then she and the puppies ran off into the house

You looked at them in awe, wondering what other little adventures they would take

Jisung: come on loser, we need help getting the stuff for the kitchen and bathrooms

You: ugh why me?

Jisung: cause you won't run around the store and immediately go to the video game section, so come on, Woojin is coming too

You nodded and went inside to grab your purse

Woojin: come on slow poke

You ran down the stairs and jumped down

Jisung: you really do have the mental age of a five year old

You: come on~

Felix: where are yall going?

Woojin: to the store, we need more stuff over here

Felix: ah ok, and y/n we're gonna have a date tonight

You: but we can't be out in public together

Felix: don't worry I got it all planned out love

You looked at him confused and he pushed you all out

Felix: ok now go to the store

You left with the boys and went into the car and drove off with them and drove to a Target that was 10 minutes away from your house.

Once you got there Jisung ran to a cart and got inside of the basket and Woojin casually started pushing him as if it was a normal thing to do


And he grabbed your hands and ran into the store

After a whole 5k to the candy aisle, you guys finally made it and they went down the aisle and Jisung started dragging all the candy into the cart and onto him.

Woojin: OK that's enough

You: why are we getting all this candy?

Jisung: we need to stock up for when you get your period again

Woojin: yeah and where would you find those pad thingys? Or do you use those um......stick things? I never knew before so I just got the pads, they seemed less painful

You laughed and told them pads and they ran off looking for them but you took them to the other way since they ran off in the wrong direction

Once you got there, they paused

Jisung: there's so many options.....what are wings? Do they fly?

You: no, they don't fly, this is stuff for girls to know and guys to figure out

Woojin: ok were the ones I got the last time good enough?

You nodded and he grabbed two packs of them

Woojin: ok now that we are good on the period stuff, let's look for some stuff for the bathroom, like soap and shampoo and all that, yall dirty

Jisung: excuse me I am the cleanest one

Woojin: lies

You: okok come on you load of idiots

- 2 hours later -

Woojin: why was there no more downy detergent, that was my favorite

Jisung: didn't you hear about the whole Jungkook thing? Fans literally bought downy because of him

Woojin: ugh let's go, Felix said he needs y/n for some reason

You: oh ok, let's go

You all got everything in the car and jumped in and started driving back.


Sorry I can't write 😂

Oh I have an editor now so hopefully my books won't have grammar mistakes 💜👋😂👍

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