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You guys all sat down on the couch and watched a movie, after the movie, you got up and started heading up to Felix's room to see if he was OK

You: Felix? You ok?

He opened the door and nodded

Felix: yeah I'm fine

You looked at him with your eyebrows raised, expecting more than just a "yeah I'm fine"

Felix: ugh fine come in

You walked over to his bed and sat down

He plopped down onto the bed and didn't face you

Felix: I don't want to keep us a secret

You: why not, it'll be fine, we'll still be together

Felix: no you don't understand, I love you y/n, I want people to know I love you, I want people to know that you're taken, I've seen how other guys look at you, it makes me mad.

You sat there silently, not know what to say

Felix: I understand we won't break up, but this is how it all starts right? First we will have to stay secret, then we won't be able to be seen anywhere near each other and then we'll just end it, I don't want-

You kissed him before he could finish

You: I will make sure we won't ever have to just end it. A thing like this won't get in our way, we will work it out

He smiled


Felix: looks like you're being called

You: I guess so, come on let's go

You grabbed his hand and pulled him along and brought him downstairs where the kids had gotten out a bunch of stuff to play outside

You all went outside and played around with all the kids, it ended up being a game of tag after a while.

You paused cause you ran out of breath but you heard something in the garage and started to get worried, Jisung noticed and walked over to you

Jisung: hey what's up?

You: I think there might be something in the garage

Jisung: hold on a sec, let me get everyone over here, we aren't going to have a whole kidnapping in the garage

He walked over and whispered in Chan's ear, he looked up and called everyone over and you all started walking towards the garage

You: did we really need everyone to walk to the garage?

Chan: yes, what if it's a monster, we need everyone present so then we can attack

You got to the door of the garage and everyone paused

Seungmin: looks like I'll open the door

He opened it and you all walked in expecting a person but there was no one, you all looked around and then you heard



You all ran over to where Taelyn was and saw that there really was a puppy but another one popped up behind the first one

Changbin: correction, two puppies

Woojin: how did they get here?

Jisung: I dunno, but what are we going to do about them?

Minho: well they seem to already take a liking to little Taelynie here

Hyunjin: well isn't that just adorable

Chan: we could keep them


Felix: are we ready for puppies

Seungmin: I mean, we have a kid, and she's still alive right?

Seungmin poked Taelyn's cheek and she giggled

Chan: it's been confirmed, if we can take care of a kid, we can take of two more puppies

You: are you sure? Two puppies can be a lot, it's like potty training two toddlers, just hairy toddlers

They all looked up all laughed

Felix: let's just bring them inside and see how they are

Taelyn nodded and picked up one of the puppies and the other followed here

Changbin: wait Taelyn, how are you doing that, WAIT

She ignored him and laughed and just kept walking

Hyunjin: well dang Changbin, can't even get a kid to listen to you

They all laughed and walked into the house

As soon as you walked in, you noticed the dogs stuck closer to Taelyn than anything and she was already walking around giving them a tour of the place

Taelyn: this is the kitchen, over there is the bathroom but it's for humans, your bathroom is out there

She pointed out to the backyard

Taelyn: the stairs might be too hard for you guys to climb up right now, but I'll teach you, mommy showed me a easy way to get down them too, just slide down on your butt, it might hurt but you'll get used to it

They all looked at you and you shrugged

You: what it's an easier way instead of falling down the stairs

They laughed and shook their head

Felix: you get cuter by the second don't you

Taelyn: um guys, this one didn't listen to me when I said their potty is outside....

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