birthday time

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You woke up to Felix still holding you and everyone had fallen asleep and it was around midnight and the nurse walked in and giggled

Nurse: I'm sorry to say this by visiting hours are over

You looked around trying to think of a way to wake them all up until the nurse came over

Nurse: I'll let you stay tonight since he gets to leave in the morning, just make sure you don't get caught ok?

She smiled, winked and then left

Once you settled back down, you heard your phone go off and got up to check it

After going through the obstacle course of sleeping kids, you got to your phone and saw that it was Minya

You: hey what's up?

Minya: are you guys staying overnight there? Is Felix ok?

You: he's perfect! He gets to go home tomorrow, and yeah we will be staying overnight, everyone has fallen asleep either on the floor or the chairs....even on top of each other

Minya: well these kids wanted to say goodnight but they passed out as soon as they hit the beds

You: well that's good, thank you Minya, I don't know what I'd do without you

Minya: soooo, how's it going with Felix? Hm? Anything new?

You: well I don't know, what do you mean by new?

Minya: well you know, how's it going? Is he treating you right?

You: he's treating me better than I deserve, he's so caring and amazing to all of us, now that he's their father, I feel closer to him now, I really do love him

You could tell she was smiling ear to ear and you laughed a bit

You: ok I better get going, the kids might wake up, night

Minya: night, get some good sleep

You both hung up and you went back to face the bed and found Felix wide awake and smiling at you

Felix: so? You really love me huh?

You started blushing uncontrollably and he giggled

Felix: don't worry love, I really love you too

He opened his arms wide and you fell perfectly into them and he kissed you

Felix: you know, your birthday is coming up, three days to be exact, I'm gonna have to get you something amazing

You: aw you don't have to, it's not that special

Felix: excuse me but my girlfriend's birthday is very special, and we will definitely be spending it  however you want

You smiled and he started thinking of everything he could plan for your birthday and your present

////////time skip to the morning///////

You gathered all the boys and got breakfast for them and started getting everything together, even though some of them protested about getting up to go home, you somehow got them all up and out of the room and into cars

As soon as you walked inside you got attacked by kids hugging you and you picked them up and hugged them back

Taelyn: daddy are you ok?

Felix picked up Taelyn and kissed her nose and smiled

Felix: of course I am ok, why wouldn't I be?

She smiled and hugged him and then Minya came over with Jaesung and gave him to you and he started smiling and it was so cute, everyone couldn't help but smile and awe

You: so how were they?

Minya: they were perfect angels, if you ever need me to babysit them again, I would gladly do it

You thanked her and she left along with Eric, as she left, all the boys scattered around the house and started doing their normal routine around the house

Ash and Jjongi welcome you guys back by jumping on your legs and licking everyone's faces

You sat down on the couch with Jaesung and Jjongi joined you and sat on your stomach and slowly fell asleep, Ash fell asleep by your feet, Ash wasn't as much as a cuddly puppy as Jongi was.

Seungmin picked up Ash and decided to annoy him and cuddle him, Ash didn't look amused so you just smiled and continued holding Jaesung and pet Jjongi

Jaesung was wide awake and started to lean towards the floor, signaling he wanted to play on the floor, so you put him down and put Jjongi down with him and they were both playing together. Usually puppies can be very rowdy but Jjongi knew to be careful with the younger kids, even if he was just a puppy as well

//no one's P.O.V//

Everyone got pulled aside  by Felix when they all started to finally settle down in the house, y/n was getting the kids all together so it was the perfect time to get everyone together for something like this.

Felix: everyone in here?

Changbin: yes and we're a bit confused, what do you want Felix?

Felix: we need to plan y/n's birthday party, we need it to be a surprise, I have my own surprise planned for her, but I don't know if I should do it just yet

Chan: well what is it?

Felix: no why would I tell you

Jisung: well what if it's stupid

Felix: oh it is definitely not stupid 

Woojin: oh my lord, what is it

Felix: I was kind of thinking of.......maybe.....proposing


Everyone looked at him and Minho covered his mouth

Hyunjin: are you serious?

Felix: yes, I love her, I literally have a family with her, we would most likely do it later so why not now?

Minho: so you guys are serious then? Like really serious?

Felix rolled his eyes and nodded

Felix: well I would like to think so

Chan: I think it would be perfect!! It's the perfect surprise for such an amazing couple, I mean you guys haven't known each other that long but heck you guys already have a baby and I see how you look at her, you really love her

Seungmin: so beautiful, but yes

Woojin: wait have you talked to JYP about this?

Felix: Actually him and I had a talk about this before, it was when we were adopting Jaesung, he mentioned marriage and about how he would be fine with us getting married if it ever came to it, and he would try dealing with everything that came from it, the fans that don't support then they aren't real fans

Minho: So you are going to actually do this?

Felix.....I think so

Jisung: wow we all are growing up, it's going to be great, don't worry, lets hope she says yes

Felix: lets hope? Do you think she'll say no?

I.N: well you never know, what if she's not ready?

Changbin: oh my gosh, I've always wanted to see a failed proposal

Felix: alright alright, enough, she won't say no

Chan: ok let's go so then she doesn't get suspicious 

And with that they all left and went to go pretend they didn't know the big news 


Sorry I've been really busy lately, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, i don't think I did too good, I don't want to bug my editor so don't mind if there's any spelling errors XD

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