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You guys went back to your place and the moving truck was already there

Chan: guess we will have to start getting everything in the truck

You guys walked in and started picking up boxes and putting them in the truck. You look over seeing Taelyn sitting on top of the box and Felix picking it up, pretending she was on an airplane

Felix: pilot Taelyn, where shall we go?

Taelyn: destination Disney

Felix: which one Disney land or world?

Taelyn: hmm surprise me


You laughed at them and picked up another box.

After another hour of people dropping boxes and playing airplane, all the boxes were finally in the car and you guys all get in the cars and drove there

Felix: you excited to be living with us love?

You nodded and smiled

Taelyn: will I get my own room?

Jeongin: we all get our own rooms Taelynie

She squealed and jumped around

You all laughed and then started going towards the house to see the inside before you brought all the boxes in

Felix: you ready?

You: yup, lets go

But before you could go into the house, he kissed you and smiled

Felix: we're gonna live together and I am ready for whatever happens next so leggo

Then he ran off with the other boys and they all headed for the front door, you smiled thinking these were the idiots you were going to be living with

You: wait up!!

You all made it to the door and Chan grabbed out the key and unlocked it

You all walked in and everyone started running around everywhere, picking rooms and looking around



They were all aweing about all the rooms and then you started thinking

You: Felix?

Felix: yes love?

You: are we sharing a room or will we be having our own rooms

Jisung: I think JYP hyung would rather have you guys in separate rooms

You: yeah that makes sense, then I'll go pick out my room, Taelyn come on honey

She grabbed your hand and you both started going up the stairs to look for a good room

Taelyn: mommy I want a room next to yours

You: don't worry honey, it will be

You looked in each room and Taelyn found a room that she already loved, and then you looked at the rooms around hers and loved the one across the hall from hers

Your room had a bathroom in it and a big closet, it was big enough for you and Taelyn to sleep in, but she still wanted her own room

Hyunjin: Come on Taelynie lets go start bringing the boxes in for your room

She gladly went with them and the other boys started bringing in other boxes

You went out to bring in some boxes when you noticed something in the bushes

You ignored it and went on with getting the boxes until Chan came running out

Chan: everyone meet in the living room, JYP called, its an emergency

Everyone looked up worried and ran into the house, you picked up Taelyn and brought her in and sat in the couch

Chan: ok JYP, we are all here

JYP: even y/n and Taelyn?

Chan: yes

JYP: ok there's been leaked pictures and articles out everywhere with you guys on it, specifically Taelyn and y/n, they caught you guys going out. There's even a rumor saying Felix is the father of Taelyn

You all paused and looked at each other wide eyed

JYP: this type of reputation and status, especially at your guys ages, are not good. I won't say Felix and y/n will break up, just keep your relationship secret and I will take care of the articles, please be more careful, and confirm that Felix isn't the father

Chan: yes JYP hyung, we will make sure to do that, we're so sorry

JYP: its ok, just make sure it won't happen again

You all said goodbye and hung up and sat in silence

Felix: but I don't want to keep us a secret

Woojin: Felix, its what we have to do

Seungmin: we can't let this happen, we can just say that they are Jisung's cousins since they have been seen together a bit more. We will just make up a story

Felix: fine. I'm going up to my room, I need to unpack

He left sadly and you were about to follow him but Jisung grabbed your arm

Jisung: just give him time, come on lets watch a movie for now, take a break

Sorry this took so long, I started getting a bunch of book ideas and started writing other books but I got busy as well, so sorry. I just wish that I wasn't so busy and stressed or else this story would be so much better. I love you guys, thank you for all the comments and support you are giving this book ❤

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