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Eric: bye Taelynie, mommy can we see them at their new house?

Minya: sure honey

She turns to you

Minya: well make sure to text me when you get all settled there and tell me how it all goes ok?

You nodded and hugged her and Eric, then you led her to the door and closed it.

Felix: well should we get packing?

They all nodded and started planning out how they were all going to do it

Seungmin: well I'm going to head out to get boxes for packing, you guys start organizing everything

Woojin: I'll go with you, everyone make sure you guys make you help Taelyn while y/n packs as well, see you guys!

They walked out and everyone started going to different rooms and organizing

Felix: I'll help you with your stuff y/n

You: oh ok

Jeongin: I'll help y/n to-

Chan: no you're not, you're helping me with the living room

Chan winked at Felix and dragged Jeongin away to the living room

Jisung: come changbin, we've got the kitchen

Minho: Hyunjin and I will help Taelyn!!

Everyone nodded and you and Felix started going up to your room

You: um just heads up my room isn't exactly clean, it's pretty messy when I think about it, sorry

Felix: nah it's fine, my room is always messy

You guys walked in and your room wasn't too bad but it was definitely cluttered

Felix: where should we start?

You: clothes?

You head to your dresser and started grabbing clothes and folding them, Felix walked over with you and started doing to the same thing

Felix: wanna know what Minya said earlier?

You: yes please

He grabbed your hand and brought you over to sit down on the bed

Felix: Ok so is there any reason why she asked me if I liked you?

You instantly blushed and started stuttering

You: wh-what sh-she really a-asked that?

He smiled

Felix: yeah, but do you know why she did?

You shook your head super fast

Felix: hmmm, that's a lie. I think you do know, and I know too

You were having a whole panic attack and didn't know what to say

You: what do you mean?

Felix: I think you like me, I think you know that you like me but you don't know what to do about it

You sat there looking down, too embarrassed to look up at him

He grabbed your chin and brought it so then you guys were making eye contact

Felix: but do you wanna know something else?

You: su-sure

Felix: ........I like you

His face got closer to yours and then

Seungmin: WE'RE BACK

Felix: so close

He kissed your cheek and got up

Felix: I'll go get the boxes, I'll be back

He winked and smiled and left

You sat there literally shook with what just happened.

Lee Felix liked you and you liked thought about that the whole time he was gone, you couldn't help but smile about it

Felix: I'm back~

You looked up and he had boxes and he started packing

You: felix?

Felix: yeah?

You: um....what are we?

He stopped what he was doing and went over and sat back where he was before

Felix: well that depends on you, well it depends on if you're ready, I'm ready to be in a relationship with you. I'm ready to help you with Taelyn and love her like she's my own. I'm ready to love you, y/n. So if you're ready for it, just say yes if you're not just say no, it's easy babe

You looked at him smiling, not knowing what to say to all of that

You: yes

He looked at you smiled and hugged you

You smiled and got butterflies in your stomach

Chan: hey y/n, where should we-

He stopped and gasped

Chan: ARE YOU TWO?!?!?

You looked at him and nodded


He started jumping up and down squealing getting all happy, he was doing that so much to the point where all the boys came running up all concerned



Changbin: ok could someone explain what is going on, and not in fanboy language

Woojin: please

Seungmin: (whispers to Chan) come on chill out ok? Just breathe

Felix: well um I kinda confessed to um....y/n


Hyunjin: oh thank God, we've been telling you that you should

Minho: I'm assuming is worked out?

Jeongin: please say it did

Felix: it did

They came running and hugged you guys

Changbin: so happy for you guys but let's get back to packing

5 hours later

Chan: ok, Taelyn and the other boys are finally asleep, everything is packed, the truck is coming tomorrow so we will help with that, I'm going to bed

Felix: ok thanks Chan hyung

You and Felix were snuggled up on the couch and were watching a movie

Felix: so you ready to be living with all of us? Think you can handle it

You laughed

You: I think so, I mean I've been able to keep track of all the kids so I think I'll be fine

He laughed

Felix: that's what you think babe, it'll get a lot more hectic once we are all under the same roof

You: as long as it's with you, I think it'll all be fine

Later on in the night Taelyn woken up because she had a nightmare

Taelyn: (teary eyed) mommy, daddy?

Felix: aww what's wrong baby

You both got up and went to her

Taelyn: I had a bad dream, can I sleep with you guys

You: sure honey

She jumped up onto the couch in between you and Felix and fell back asleep

Felix: don't worry honey I'll protect you

And with that you all fell asleep on the couch together

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