Chapter 4

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It was cold. Not the kind of cold where you can feel it biting at your fingertips, dropping frozen kisses at your unprotected skin. This is the type of cold where you don't feel it until your teeth are chattering and the blood in your fingertips has frozen over.

I blew a breath from between my dry lips, watching the warmth crystallize before my eyes. I brought my lips to one side of my face, my eyes narrowing in concentration. I was stuck.

I've always been bad at 'I love you' scenes probably because the words themselves are a cliché. I never quite understood the significance of them. I said I love you every day, to my siblings, to myself in the mirror, to the ahjumma who always gives me coupons. How was I supposed to put so much importance on the words that don't mean much to me?

I shook my head and tried to get in the zone when I felt a body saddle up beside me, warmth radiating off them, melting the frost on my brain. I suddenly felt something dry and soft press against my cheek. Followed by a sharp squeal, only a few octaves lower than a dog whistle.

"BABE! I missed you so much!" I choked on air, only to turn around my head to find an annoyingly pretty girl, her lips were still slightly puckered from when she pecked my cheek. She leaned forward, her glossy dark hair swishing with her.

Her eyes were wide and dark, almost like they were painted on, her eyebrows softened the harshness of them. Her lips reminded me of a rosebud, light pink and with a natural cupid's bow, but still round, placed a few centimeters above the feminine slope of her jaw. I didn't even try today, and I still got a hot girl after me, I resisted the urge to grin smugly. Too bad I'm strictly dickly, though.

"See that guy over there," she whispered her warm breath fanning against my cheek.

I turned my head inconspicuously and caught a decent looking guy staring at us in confusion.

"He's been trying to go out with me for a month, to point where he stole my bag to talk to me."

"So, please play along," she pleaded.

I tossed my arm around her waist and yanked her toward me.

"Giggle like I'm freaking hilarious," I said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

She laughed like I was the funniest person ever, her elfish nose wrinkling slightly.

"You're weirdly good at this," she tossed her head in mock flirtation.

"I'm surprised myself," I responded, tapping her nose with my forefinger.

"Holy shit I think he's crying!" I whisper yelled, my eyes widening.

"No way!"

She turned her head to catch his retreating figure wiping at his face.

"Poor dude," I shook my head pityingly.

"I guess our chemistry brought him to tears, Babe," her voice had dropped from the gooey voice she had claimed during the whole performance, to a raspy monotonous tone. The light that only glows when she acts dimming.

"How do you feel about some rice cakes?"

"Do you even have to ask," I shot out of my seat, face alight with excitement.

"What's your name anyway?"

"Park Aemin, you?"

"Lee Soo Ji."

My eyes shot open, the light streaming through the curtains blurring across my watery vision. I lift my fingers to brush against my damp cheeks. I ran my hand through my hair, my fingers falling through before I expected. I shut my eyes, tears falling against my cheeks, the air of melancholy engulfing me.

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