Chapter 18

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"Honey, I'm home!" I screeched, entering through the door as if I didn't just figure out why Min Yoongi is such a penis head.

Jungkook snorted with a cheeky smile, his eyes not on me yet.

"Oh, you're still alive? Damn it."

"Haha, very funny," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes playfully.

His glittering eyes lifted and then all at once turned dark and angry, a glare so intense I physically cringed.

"What did you do?" His normally soft voice was set in a grave, harsh tone. I choked slightly on the breath caught in my throat, the passion in his voice sent me reeling.

It took me a second to realize he wasn't talking to me.

"What did you do to her?" he snarled again to Yoongi who stood stiffly behind me.

Curse my tomato face.

Jungkook was mad, it was obvious in the way he held himself, the way he stood barely tethered to the floor, almost like he was going to float away if it wasn't for that thin string holding him back.

"Hyung. I'll ask one more time; what did you do to her?"

Oh, my shitballs. What is happening?

"I have banana milk!" I yelled, the hand holding the lukewarm banana milk shooting up, trying to ease the tension.

The dark haired boy simply wrapped his hand around my wrist tugging me behind him, paying no mind to the banana milk.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed at the action.

"Does it matter? Why do you even care, she's just a babysitter to you, Jungkook," Yoongi snarked, eyes still glued to the way Jungkook held onto me.

I gave a small sigh, tilting my head back in resignation.

As much as I loved drama, I knew these boys loved each other and I'm sure as hell not being the one driving a wedge between their friendship.

"I'm craving nuggets! Ugh, that buttery, golden crust, filled with warm tender chi-"

"Shut up, Aemin," they both snapped at the same time.

I had never felt so attacked before.

I huffed and dropped on the floor because Jungkook's unrelenting hold on my arm wouldn't let me sit on a chair.

"Why do you even hate her so much, she hasn't done anything to you!" he snapped, causing my eyebrows to jump to my hairline.

"She will do something! She's going to hurt you, Jungkook, I can't see you go through that again!"


"Not everyone is going hurt us! She isn't Nari!" He stilled slightly at his own words, his eyes dropping to meet mine.

"Oh, don't worry. I already know all about all that fricked up shit, by the way, was the video like, hehe, or like oooh?" I asked, adding a pervy smile to emphasize my question.

"It was like oooh."

Oh my lord.

"You need holy water," I stated to Yoongi, my judge factor over 9000.

"What is she to you?!" Yoongi barked, eyes darting between us.

"I'm his main bitch," I said empathically, taking a swing of the banana milk Jungkook wouldn't fricken accept.

"Hey, Aemin, go ask Jin hyung to get food with you, I need to talk to Yoongi and I can't focus when you're in the room."

"I'm going to need you to let go of me first..."

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