Chapter 14

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My Love💖: Baby I miss you

My Love💖 : You know I love you

My Love💖 : Soo Ji meant nothing to me

My Love💖 : Aemin, I know you're reading these

My Love💖 : C'mon stop being so stubborn

My Love💖 : let's talk about it okay?

My Love💖 : Can't you just be mature for once in your life?

My fingers dug into the sides of my cell phone, a swell of hopeless anger bubbling up my chest, the pressure to leave dull red lines along my fingertips.

I took a sharp breath, the oddly soothing scent of rain and sweat attacking my senses.

I laid sprawled across the cool hardwood floor of the dance studio, the thrumming of the bass match up with the throbbing of my oncoming headache.

"Jungkook. Dude. Bro. Bitch. Hoe. Jeon Cena. Sweetheart. Weirdo. Ugh," I called lovingly as I rolled in boredom, trying to ignore the flashing of my phone.

"I did something for you."

"Can you please stop?"

"Look at my surprise, child!"

"Seagull Boi!"

"I will yeet my shoe at your head!" I ranted in annoyance as he continued to dance silently, only opening his mouth to breathe.

I let out an agitated sigh, tilting my head back and massaging the bridge of my nose.

I pushed my self off the floor into a crouch, my legs tensing in anticipation.

Launching myself forward, I slid across the smooth floor, my hands successfully clasping around Jungkook's ankle. He stumbled slightly from the new weight that was hanging off his leg as I clung around the limb like a monkey.

"What the-"

"Hi, how are you?" I asked innocently as if my entire body wasn't pressed up against him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his heavy breathing breaking in between his words.

"Whatever you want me to be doing, baby," I said in a low suggestive voice, wiggling my eyebrows creepily at him. His confused face contorted and wrinkled into one of disgust as he peered down the disturbing way my face twisted.

It probably looked like I was having a seizure.

"No? Okay, let's not do that." I coughed awkwardly, dropping my smirk for a simple smile.

"It's time for lunch!" I sang in my tone-deaf voice, trying to quell the excitement welling up inside me.

"So?" Jungkook asked in annoyance.

I lifted a hand, a face-splitting grin coating my face.

"Wait here." I let go of him, tripping over my self as I raced towards the door.

I had forgotten how nice cooking for someone else felt, the rush you get when they taste your work and the way you can put all your positive or negative emotions into something without having to say a word.

After the whole drunken conversation we had, which I doubt he remembers, I decided to go along with his whole family concept that he had and packed him a lunch.

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