Chapter 10

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I liked to believe every person is made up of a series of moments that create who they are.

Think about this way; everyone comes into the world the same, a completely blank slate, but as you add on to those moments, each breath you take, every experience that passes before you, are tiny pieces of a puzzle that creates you as a person.

It made me wonder what had happened to Jeon Jungkook to make him this way.

"Jungkook, please!" I yelled over the loud thrumming of music that was giving me a dull headache. I inhaled sharply, the stale stench of sweat staining the air assaulted my nostrils.

I stared at him, fully exasperated by now. He paid me no mind, instead, he continued to move like he was a well-oiled machine, his body rippling and breaking like he was half liquid, all of his bones jellified. Invisible puppeteers pulled at the strings connected to his body, unnaturally alluring, virtually impossible to tear your eyes away from every elegant movement.

The lights glinted off his skin, each droplet of sweat shone like he was encrusted with diamonds, his heavy breathing synching with the rhythm of the bass. The white shirt that encased his body was now wet and see-through, clinging to him like a second skin.

I had convinced all of the other's to leave, that I could get him back home and they should get some rest. I've begun seriously doubting myself of this statement.

"Jungkook, it's midnight let's go home!" I stood and turned off the music, so all that was left in the room was Jungkook's heavy breathing and the tapping of his feet as he continued to move to the music only he could hear.

I ran forward into his path, setting my arms out wide, my eyes fluttering shut, painfully aware of Jungkook's lithe body charging towards me. My heart pattered in my own darkness, suddenly a heated mass pressed against me, my hands instinctively clutching at the sweat-dampened fabric as my feet left the ground and hard bands wrapping around me.

I peeked through heavy-lidded eyes, my vision tracing the small droplet of sweat dripping down creamy skin, my throat going parched and mind growing fuzzy at our sudden lack of distance. My legs swung as he turned, and his head dipped downwards, our faces mere centimeters apart.

I blinked as he dropped me and then there was solid ground beneath me again. I tilted my head up, my eyes found his body, and there he was, a good five feet away from me, dancing away like I wasn't about to lose my dang mind.

I rubbed at my eyes, grinding my teeth at the frustration welling up my chest, barely keeping itself from spilling over. It took everything in me from stomping my feet and throwing a tantrum like a petulant child.

I was desperate at this point.

"Do you want to hear my sexy man voice?!" I exclaimed, grasping at my final, frenzied, straw. He hesitated slightly, his movements no longer as smooth. With that, a shiny ripple of hope flashed before my eyes. I dropped my voice down to a low baritone, adding a gravely rasp underneath it.

"Yeah," I growled in my sexy man voice.

"Estrogen who? I only know testosterone!" I flexed my nonexistent muscles, trying my hardest not to laugh at my own stupidity. On the other hand, Jungkook seemed to have no problem with it. His shattered glass laughter spluttered through the empty dance studio, soft hiccups of breaths stuttering through the beautiful sound exiting his lips.

The wood vibrated under me as the exhausted boy dropped to the ground, his arms and legs spread starfish style, the fast rhythmic rise and drop of his chest to the only clue that he was still alive. I crawled towards him, the soft towel I had stolen from his bag in hand.

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