Chapter 12

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We sat knee deep in viscous tension. The only sound in the house was the violent pattering of rain against the windows, but that in itself just felt like a heavy hum underneath the silence of the room.

The 3:00 am air swirled and slithered around the six men and me, concern filled my lungs and entered my bloodstream, invading every single part of my body.

It's been a week since the whole 'face in titties' incident. It's scary how something so hilarious can burn into ashes so quickly.

Jimin found Jungkook's bed empty an hour ago.

He's been gone for more than an hour now, and nobody knows where he is, coupling that with the fact that we were in the middle of a storm sent us all reeling with anxiety for the young doe-eyed boy.

Jin paced in front of the door, each step ricocheting across the room like a gunshot, Namjoon articulated in a hushed pressed tone through the phone, contacting every public building in the vicinity, Hoseok kept moving, never staying in one place for too long, Jimin and Taehyung huddled close together feet bouncing and hair on end as they spoke through only their eyes, Yoongi sat painfully still, eyes clenched shut, as if one movement would cause him to snap.

I nestled into a corner with my hair threaded through my fingers, an odd mixture of anxiety and dread pulsed through me as I focused on a small smudge on the floor. My knees pulled against my chest as the world spun at a dizzying speed around me.

"Why the fuck are you even here right now?" I heard a bitter voice snap, words pounding aggressively into my body. I couldn't bring myself to look up, the dark feeling swelling through my body crystalized, freezing me in place.

"Hyung, stop it, now is not the time." The atmosphere turned so brittle it could snap, and if it didn't, I might.

"Yes, it is, Jimin! It was her fucking job to make sure this doesn't happen, and now that she failed, she's just sitting there, useless piece of sh-"

"Yoongi! That's enough!" Jin's distinct voice tore through his harsh words. But it was too late, I already heard it.

Useless piece of shit.

"Look up, Aemin" A low voice caressed my body, melting the ice that had frozen me solid. I slowly dropped my hands from my head, my eyes dragging upwards.

"Listen here. If Jungkook comes back with even a scratch on his body, you'll be out of this house and this job before you even can blink."


"It's okay, Jimin," I whispered in a hoarse voice, quiet, yet strong.

I lift my leaden body slightly to meet the six pairs of eyes on me but choosing to only focus on Yoongi's cold, bottomless ones.

"I understand, and I will go without a fuss."

"Then why are you still sitting here," he snapped angrily.

"Because it's my job," I answered curtly.

"A job you're failing at. Nobody here needs you, get out!" He waved his arms to gesture around the room, and the people who didn't need me.

Trust me, I know nobody needs me.

I let out a slow controlled breath in hopes of loosening my tightly raveled body.

I failed.

"And what's the oh so important thing you're doing," I snapped, flames licking at my throat.

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