Chapter 6

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His lips parted, rounding off to expose a pair of endearing bunny teeth, drawing attention to the small beauty mark underneath his full bottom lip. Dark eyes focused on a small speck of dirt next to my heels. Suddenly his mouth snapped shut and he almost receded into himself, bright eyes turning to stone.

I shuffled awkwardly not knowing if I should wait for him to introduce himself or just start talking.

"Don't worry about him, he's just shy." It was the imposingly tall one with a pair of perfect dimples. Namgoon? Namjesus? Oh yeah, Namjoon.

I nodded my head like any shy boy would drag unaware girls into dark corridors and try to strike up a deal with them.

"Are you sure you don't know him?" J-hope said, looking back and forth between us, his elfin features crinkling. I glanced at Jungkook and I pouted slightly, deciding to do what I think he wanted since I'm gonna be the bitch until I no longer have this job. Anyway, I think that J-hope was the only one to see the whole shy boy dragging me thing.

"Not that I know of," I said with a painfully fake high pitched giggle. I was never very good at lying. I didn't have anyone who's opinion of me affected me enough to lie to them, and by the time I met Soo Ji and Haneul I just gave up lying completely. It's fine because they weren't great liars either.

At least, I thought they weren't.

J-hope started talking again, his loud exuberant voice a mush of unintelligible sounds as I tried to focus on the much-needed distraction in front of me. Except when his words started to process through my muddled brain, I only wanted to run.

"Then why did Jungkook grab you and pull-" He started, ignoring the way my face screamed for him stop talking. When the door pulled open I almost fainted in relief. If he had kept talking the others would know about the whole dragging me thing and then I'll be labeled as a liar, for even lying about it in the first place.

"Manager Sejin" I exclaimed tripping over my own feet as I raced as fast as I could toward my savior. He grabbed me by shoulders to steady me as I almost threw myself into the giant of a man in front of me.

"Aemin, did you need anything?" He asked, trails of amusement underlying his tone.

"Uh, yes? Yes! I mean yes, I really do." I said slyly pulling him away from the boys acting as natural as possible.

"Do you have any questions in particular?" He questioned once I pulled him away, relief taken a hold of my bones.

"Questions? Ah, yes questions. Um... could you go in depth about this job?" Which basically translated to I had no freaking idea what this job is.

"You mean to be asking what your job is." I simply nodded in embarrassment, as he was spot on.

"It's not so hard to explain, but I have flyers in my office and anything else you'd need for the job, including a contact." I nodded and followed behind him until I reached the office I had done the interview in.

I took a seat as he pulled out a stack of papers, my eyes widening at the amount.

"Our maknae, Jeon Jungkook, is incredibly stubborn." I snorted quietly, I was quite aware of that fact.

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