Chapter 13

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"Why are you leaving me! What did I do wrong? Tell me, I'll change."

"I'm sorry it's not you, I've fallen in love with someone else."


"It's... Chicken nuggets."

Okay, what the hell did I just write?

I let out a loud groan, my head dropping on my desk with a resounding bang. I've been trying to write for about an hour now, but with the constant swirl of thoughts plaguing my mind, this was the best I could come up with.

What did Taehyung mean by they had their trust broken before? I had asked that exact question but he quickly made up some excuse and left the room, tears still streaming down his beautiful face.

I'm constantly surrounded by people, so why did I feel completely alone.

Being lonely and useless is not a feeling I'm used to. I missed my siblings so much in times like these, I missed their warmth and their sneaky laughter. This house was frozen, it's ice slowly seeping into my warm memories, tormenting it with a new sense of wrong.

I didn't think I could last a year like this, I needed them to warm up to me. 

But to do that they need to at least like me first.

I carefully ripped out a sheet of blank paper, cracking my neck as a rush of determination flooded through me.

Operation: Make BTS like my fugly ass.

1: Give them diabetes from my sweetness

 2: Be a cute fuck

3: Learn more about them, from their likes and dislikes


5: Take care of everyone, even when Shithead Suga is being a whore

5: Treat them with respect, remember they are people too no matter how hot they are

6: Don't be flirty, I need a friend, not a boyfriend

7: Mind my own beeswax, they'll tell me if they'd like to 

8: Be yourself, they should like you for you because you are a bad bitch

There was a sudden knock at the door, making me flinch and land on the floor with a thud.  Lifting my head from the floor I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, it was way past midnight and I normally don't get any visitors. 

I crawled to the door, only standing up when I was right next to it. Drawing my cardigan closer around me I hesitantly opened the door.

"You," I was greeted with a long finger so close to my face it almost brushed my nose, "you suck." 

I raised an eyebrow at Jungkooks slightly swaying form and sloppy appearance, trying not to smile at his cutely ruffled hair.

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