Chapter 16

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Oh, my shitballs.

My panic laced eyes darted to Jungkooks confused ones. His pretty lips rounded in surprise as water began to gather into my eyes.

I didn't want to see Hanuel, I couldn't see Hanuel.

I was scared that if I saw him I'd remember exactly why I fell for him in the first place and then let him use me again.

I'm pathetic.

Jungkook quickly darted out a hand to wrap around my left wrist, yanking me forward.

"Come on," he muttered as my knees hit the mattress, a large warm hand splayed against the small of my back.

I snapped out of my frozen state as the sound of familiar light footsteps spilled into the room. I launched myself underneath the covers pressing myself into Jungkook's firm body, the relaxing rain scent engulfing me as the blanket was pulled over my head.

"Aemin! Baby!" Hanuel's voice flooded the room, hopelessness igniting into my stomach along with it.

Jungkook shifted against me, pressing me closer to him as to hide me from sight.

"Excuse me, what are you doing in my room?" The cold sharp tone was so different than his smooth, warm one it was almost unrecognizable.

"Who are you? This is my girlfriend's room!" Hanuel exclaimed, making me unconsciously cringe.

"Girlfriend..." Jungkook stiffened as he realized exactly who Hanuel was.

Did they turn down the temperature? Why is it suddenly so cold?

"Ah, you must have lost the way from the pediatrics wing, kid."

"Kid?! I am nineteen years old!" Hanuel snapped, clearly offended. I felt Jungkook relax slightly, inconspicuously wrapping an arm around my waist trying to suffocate me with his pectorals.

I mean, dying in this position wouldn't be so bad.

"Oh, really? I'm sorry, I guess I got confused because you seem a bit... horizontally challenged."

I was going to have an asthma attack.

Hanuel has always been defensive about his height, once going as far as to make me cry because I took a picture of him being on his tiptoes.

I thought it was cute. He did not agree.

"What the fuck do you mean, you skinny piece of shit," he growled, his footsteps drawing closer to the bed.

Skinny? Jungkook? I did not compute.

Jungkook pulled a hand from underneath the blanket to run through his hair, no doubt flexing he did so.

Cheeky little-

"Sorry if I offended you, kid," Jungkook said in a clearly unapologetic tone, smugness lacing his voice.

"Stop calling me that!" Hanuel screeched, a small shiver of fear dancing down my spine at his tone.

"You need to leave," Jungkook said coldly, feeling me stiffen at Hanuel's raised voice.

"Look, dude," Hanuel started, his voice suddenly heavy.

"I made a mistake with my girlfriend, and she was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't lose her." His voice was thick with emotion, the crack at the end of his words drawing a small whimper from me.

If he didn't leave now my fear will become a reality.

"What was that?" came Hanuel's voice again, panic thudding at my chest as his footsteps drawing even closer.

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