Chapter 22

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"Hey, Jungkook? If bedbugs live in beds does that mean cockroaches-"

"Aemin, if you finish that sentence, I swear to god I'll tell Namjoon all about the comments you make about his titties."

My mouths slowly closed, my head turning to face the ceiling.

"What sentence? What are bedbugs? Never heard of them!" I gave a forced robust laugh, slowly drawling to a stop at Jungkook's silence.

"Damn, what got your panties in a twist," I muttered, turning on the carpet to face away from him.

We were back in the dorm, me currently on the floor while he claimed the bed in his bedroom.

"I don't know maybe it's because I'm freezing and you won't go turn up the heating, or even come to bed so it's warmer under the blanket," he responded petulantly, making annoyed faces as he did so.

"You know how Jin gets when we mess with the thermostat. He'll literally not feed us! Is that what you want Jungkook? Is it?" I questioned dramatically, completely avoiding his other option.

After the whole almost kissing him in an un-flirty way, I started to keep my distance.

I was confused.

I was scared.

I didn't know what was going on with me, I didn't know if I liked him or if I just wanted someone to love.

I didn't want to hurt him if I ended up realizing I simply wanted him as something to fill the aching void that consumed me.

Hell, for all I knew, maybe I was just thirsty.

Although, I was mostly scared for myself. I was scared of falling so deep I'd simply be stuck in my own never-ending black hole while he simply sat at an edge and watched me fall.


I snapped out of my sinkhole of confusion and dumb-whoring.

"Yes, Boss?" I replied, still staring at the ceiling.

He gave a muffled giggle and before I could turn and see what was so amusing, something rough and ice-cold pressed firmly against my cheek.

It was his goddamn foot.

I briefly considered biting his toe, before deciding that was gross, even for me.

Who knows, this weirdo might even end up enjoying it.

"Jungkook, get your nasty, stinky, hairy ass feet off my face," I said as calmly as I could.

"Make me." This five-year-old man snickered.

"Jungkook now is not the time for your kinky bullshit."

He responded by simply pressing his foot harder on to my face.

"Okay, let's impair something else to match your knee."

He snickered but it faded out quickly. His face darkened momentarily as his eyes caught something that I couldn't turn to see do to the stinky ass paw on my face. I chose to ignore the curiosity nibbling at my brain and opted for an ignorant smile. He looked at me for a second before gingerly pulling his leg back into the bed.

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