Chapter 15

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"Did you just bite me?"

I rubbed at my cheek, peering at him through bleary, half-lidded eyes. My voice was raspy with sleep, a confused fuzz settling over my brain.

Jungkook simply flashed a toothy smile and nipped at the tip of my nose this time, instead of gnawing at my cheek as he had been doing a moments ago.

The hell?

My chin pulled back into my neck, rolls appearing underneath my disgusted face.

"You weirdo," I murmured, my eyelids growing heavy once again.

"This dream is so realistic." He sighed into my hair as he tugged at my cheek.

I promptly smacked at his hand, annoyance furrowing my eyebrows as I glared at him for interrupting my sleep.

"Wait, I felt that..." he said more to himself than me.

"No shit, Sherlock," I quipped sarcastically.

"So this isn't a dream?" My lips curled upwards at his words. 

"Hmm, do you dream about me often?" I wiggled my eyebrows cheekily.

"Oh man holy shit!" Jungkook exclaimed as he ripped the blanket off our heads, the stuffy air dispelling along with it.

I rubbed at my arms at the sudden cold, only to grimace when my fingers brushed over the bandaged wounds underneath my bloodied sleeves.

Groaning, I dropped my head into my hands, memories of what happened in the studio rippling through the fog of sleep. I slipped off the bed, putting on my pair of sneakers placed neatly at the foot of the bunk.

"Are we in the hospital?" I lifted my head to take in the surroundings and tilt my head in confusion at Jungkook's suspicions.

The warm cream wallpaper ran across the entire room, excluding the large window taking up an entire wall next to us, exposing the glittering city lights and the night sky. Couches and small tables were scattered tastefully around the room. The only clue that this was indeed a hospital room being the sharp scent of antiseptic coating the air and the wires jutting from the bed and into the walls behind us.

I gave a low whistle, my eyebrow jumping into my hairline.

"Damn, this is some V.I.P shit," I said, chewing on my lips.

I turned away from him, a sudden wave of thick anger bubbling up my chest.

I couldn't help being mad, and I couldn't recall what the exact reason was, so I simply hopped off the bed, shooting Jungkook a slightly strained smile.

"How's your knee, my child?" I snorted at his reaction to the name I just called him.

"I don't really feel like anything, Mostly just numb and kind of fuzzy." He puffed his squishy cheeks out, shaking his shoulders as he bounced up and down in place. I couldn't help the small squeak that escaped me and the warmth that surged over me at his cute movement.

Ugh, stupid bitch is cute.

Lips pressed together in a thin line, I marched toward the smooth oak door.

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