Chapter 7

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Jackson's P.O.V.

Waking up to a very sleeping Aivery laying on my chest, was the happiest I had ever felt in a long time. Running my fingers through her hair, I looked down at her beautiful face. Her blonde hair was a mess but her young features in her face made her hair look put together. What was I gonna do? There was no way that I was going to let this end. I felt way more with her then I ever have with anyone. Even with my ex wife and I really loved her. Hearing a ding from my phone, I slowly went to reach for it, trying not to wake up Aivery. 

Mr Johnson: Hey Man, are we able to meet today? There's a restaurant that I've been wanting to try. Meet in thirty minutes?

Me: Hey man I can meet in about an hour is that still okay?" 

Mr Johnson: For sure. 

Setting my phone back down, I found a sleepy Aivery looking up at me. "Your awake." I say smiling down at her. She cuddled more into me and I wrapped my arms back around her. "How'd you sleep?" I ask her kissing the top of her head. "Good." she says looking back up at me. "What happened with your ex wife?" That wasn't something I was expecting to be talking about. As if reading my face, she says "Monday night, after we got to the hotel, you came storming in drunk talking about her." Oh shit. I knew I had seen her, but I don't remember what was said. Sighing, I began the story of Sunday night. 


"What the fuck are you doing here?" I growled at the sight of someone I never wanted to see again. Lifting the sunglasses off her face and sitting up, she smiles and starts walking towards me. "I'd stay very far away from me if I were you." I said before I let her come any closer. "Baby, I'm just so excited to see you." she says giving me a frowny face. Still giving her a death glare, she took the hint and stopped walking towards me. "Baby, please hear me out." Shaking my head, I walk past her to set my towel down on one of the chairs. Feeling her hot on my heels, I turned back and said "I want you to get the fuck away from me and my house. And don't come back>" she stops and pleads "Baby, I want you back. Please. Don't you love me?" "Along time ago. You ripped it out and stomped on it." She looked taken aback and said "I won't give up on us. I want you back and that is going to happen." Turning on her heel, she headed out of the yard and towards a car. Jumping into the pool, I stayed under for as long as I could, trying to forget the bitch of my ex wife.

*Flashback over*

"Wow." Aivery says laying her head back down on my chest. "You don't have to worry about her. I won't let her get in between us." She looked up at me as quickly as she possibly could when she heard those words. "You mean I'm not just a one time thing?" I nod and her face lights up like a Christmas tree. I laugh and she says "So what exactly are we then?" Pondering on those words, I looked down at her and asked "What do you want us to be?" she sat there for a moment and said "I've never had a relationship before. I've always shut people out." When I heard those words,  I realized something. "You were a virgin weren't you?" the expression on her face changed to a look of embarrassment. "Hey its fine if you were. I'm just one lucky man." She looked up at me and smiled. I really was lucky.

Aivery's P.O.V.

Laying here in bed with Jackson, made my heart jump. Never in a million years did I see myself being with a man like Jackson, let alone sleeping with him. "There's only one thing, we need to keep this a secret. I can't have the mass media getting a hold of this information and using it against me. You think you can do that?" Jackson says still running his fingers through my hair. I nod and say "Yes. I can do that. But can I tell Violett? She's my best friend. She won't say a word to anyone." Looking up for a response, he nods and says "Make sure she knows the seriousness of the situation." Laying silent for a few moments, my thoughts were interrupted when Jackson asked "What happened for you to get these scars?" Hitting my soul, I tried hard to fight back the tears. "Hey why are you crying?" Jackson says sitting us both up. "If you don't want to talk about it we don't have too." he says rubbing his hand up and down my back."When I was ten, I went and visited my grandmother in Texas and I had to fly. Everyone quickly learned that this was a bad idea as I am deathly afraid of heights. The next summer, I begged my mom to drive me and stay for a few days and she agreed. On the way there, a truck driver who had been drinking, hit the railing and bounced over onto the oncoming traffic on the other side. Falling on top of our car, my mother was instantly killed and my diaphragm was heavily crushed and I had a severe break in my back. I was in physical therapy for months. My mom died all because I was a big baby and couldn't handle the flights." That was the first time I had said the words out loud and I still continued to feel regret. "Aivery, that isn't your fault. The man who decided to drink and get behind the wheel is at fault. You couldn't have known. Your body and mind play tricky things on us and sometimes, we can't control them. Look at me." He says turning my face towards him. Looking him the eyes, he gives me a gentle kiss and says "This wasn't your fault." Trying to gather up the strength to believe him, I just couldn't. My mom didn't get to be there for my first period, prom and graduation. She was never gonna see me get married and have my own kids. Pulling me into his arms, he slowly comforted me. "Well, I know I said we have the whole day, but I do need to attend a lunch with Mr. Johnson to discuss the details of the opening of the Second building of Michaels Industries. Will you be okay here by yourself?" I nod and kisses my forehead. Watching him get dressed into the tux from last night, he gave me a kiss and left. Grabbing my phone, I find V's name and hit the call button. Picking up at first ring, "I swear to god if you've called to tell me your back in the hospital I will be flying out there and murdering your boss." I laugh and say "NO. But guess who isn't a virgin no more?" "OH MY!!" she screams into the phone. "Who was it??" she says trying to calm down, but still being ecstatic. "Well, he's someone that works in my office." I say trying to play games with her. "NO way. You slept with your boss didn't you?" "Maybe" I say sounding all secretive. "Damn girl. I thought he was being complete asshole." I explain to her the whole situation and how we were both on edge and he was taking his stress and anger out on me. "Well you be careful. You don't need to get knocked up." Oh brother. Leave it to V for making me worry. "I'm sure your not just calm down." she says before I have the chance to even speak. Laughing I tell her "I'll be home Friday night. Are you going to be home or out?" "Hmmm don't know yet. I'll text ya Friday morning." We said our goodbyes and I got into the shower. Letting all the princess make up and hairstyle wash away with the water. Stepping out, I wrap the towels around my hair and body and step out into the common room and sit down at the edge of the bed. Reading the text, I couldn't help but worry.

Unknown: I know what you two did. And this is only the beginnning.

Who the hell is threatening me? 

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