Chapter 9

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Waking up the next morning, I heard complete silence throughout the entire apartment. "V?" I call out while standing up. Not hearing a response, I grab my phone to find no texts or calls from either Jackson or V. I texted Jackson "Good morning" and walked out into the common areas, I find a note on the counter.

 Cafe called and asked if I could cover an early shift today and tomorrow. I''ll be home late too. I left money in the cup for you to grocery shopping. Love you!


Walking back to my room, I hop in the shower and began to think. Why hasn't Jackson answered me back or even called like he said he would? Is he really upset with me? I know he said he wasn't, but I can't help but worry. Stepping out, I walk to my closet and grab a pair of light washed skinny jeans and my moms favorite pink long sleeve shirt. Grabbing my black bra and a clean pair of underwear, I change and walk to the bathroom to brush my hair. Feeling fresh and clean, I grab a pair of converse, slip them on and walk to the kitchen to grab the money from the cup. $200 was plenty for the groceries that I was wanting to get. Grabbing my phone, keys and purse I head out for the day. 

Arriving at the grocery store, I realized that it was pretty busy and packed, but I wasn't too worried. There wasn't anything special going on for the day. Roaming through the isles, I grabbed meats, breads, snacks, cereals, milk, butter and seasonings for dinner. Grabbing tv dinners and V's favorite chicken nuggets and tater tots, I decided this was enough to last us for a while. Heading to the check out, I see busy lines everywhere.  Sighing and standing behind a lady with a screaming baby and toddler grabbing everything from aisle. Turning and giving me an apologetic look, she continued to try and calm the baby down by giving him a bottle. The toddler looked just like her mom, with little red curls and her freckles. "Shane, quit grabbing the candy and come here." She looks up at her mom and goes straight back to what she was doing. Smiling, I grab the m&m's and open them. Squatting down to her level and she notices, looking at me quizzically. Her mom turns and looks down at me and smiles. The toddler waddles over to me eyeing the candy. I look up at her mom who nods down at me. I cup her hand and put one in and she pops it into her mouth and asked for another one. I giggle and give her one. I stand go back to my cart as she follows. "Shane, leave the poor girl alone." her mom says as I pick her up. She instantly holds her hands in a cup again and I smile. "She never lets anyone pick her up." Her mom says pushing the cart forward and I follow. I watch her start piling on items onto the shopping line. "More?" Shane says as I look back at her. "They're all gone sweetie." she frowns and lays her head down on my shoulder. "You can just put her down whenever." her mom says giving the bottle back to the baby. "They're adorable." I say pushing my cart forward. "I'm sorry if I crossed a line by picking her up. She's just so cute." Her mom smiles a warm smile and says "Thank you dear. They are quite a handful." I laugh and Shane looks up at me and says "Stay with you?" Her mom starts to pay and says "Since she likes you so much can we meet for coffee? I would love a night out." Nodding, "Sure. When?" She smiles at me kind of shocked and says "Really? I haven't been able to find a babysitter in forever!" I set Shane down, and finish putting my stuff on the line. "Here's my phone number. Can we get together for Coffee in the morning?" I nod and grab the piece of paper from her. Shane wraps her arms around my leg and says "No bye-bye." I kiss her head and  her mom grabs her hand. "By the way, what's your name?" "Aviery." I paid for my groceries and headed out towards my car. Putting my cart away, I got in my car and pulled my phone out. 12:45 p.m. and no text from Jackson. What in the world is going on? Was I just like every other girl that he slept with and dumped? Turning on my car, I drive towards home. Putting all the groceries away, I decided to order pizza and finish Monday's list for Jackson. 

*Knock Knock Knock*

I stand up and walk to the door answering it. Pizza delivery man with my half cheese half ham and pineapple. Handing him a twenty and says "Keep the change." He smiles and says "Thank you." I close the door and set the box on the counter. Grabbing a plate from the cupboard, I open the box and grab a piece of each and walk to my couch and turn the tv on to criminal minds. Looking down at my phone, V had texted me saying she was on her way home. Still no answer from Jackson so I decided to try and call once and if I don't hear from him, I'll leave him alone. I don't want to be clingy or annoying. Getting his voicemail, I sighed. "Hey, I guess I'll just see you Monday. I hope you had a good weekend Mr Michaels." I hang up just as V walks in. Noticing the sad expression on my face. "What's wrong?" she asks setting her keys and purse down on the counter. She sits down next to me and says "Mr. Michaels?" I nod and she hugs me. "He said he would call last night, but I didn't get one and I've texted and called and I haven't from him. I guess I'm just like all the other girls." I try to stop the tears. I always told myself I wasn't going to lose my virginity to a fuck and dump but I guess I did. "You know what, let's go out. You don't need this shit. You deserve better. Makeover time and girls night." I didn't argue. I needed to get drunk and get the fuck out of my brain. How could he do this to me?

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