Chapter 6

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Aivery's P.O.V

Walking back into the hotel room, Jackson helped me sit down on the bed. "I've called my business partners and let them know we won't be making an appearance at the ball tonight." He says sitting down at the chair by the desk. "What? Why?" I ask eating some more candy from the bag I got at the hospital. "Why? You were just found in the park and was in the hospital. You should be resting and drinking more fluids." he says looking confused at me. "But this night is important. I'm fine really. I want to go." I say laying back and popping a gummy fish into my mouth. Coming and laying by me, he goes "Well how about this. We'll go for a bit, you start feeling sick, we immediately leave. No arguing. Deal?" I laugh and say "Deal." We stayed there laying and looking up at the ceiling until, Jackson's phone rang. He sat up and answered it. "Hello?" he said. I couldn't hear what the caller was saying, but he was talking about the event tonight. Hanging up and standing, he turned and said "Your dress will be delivered around 330 p.m. and the hair and make up stylist around 4. Meet me downstairs at 6 and we'll go together." He smiles and goes to walk out. Sitting up slowly, I grabbed the box Jackson had left for me on the desk. Opening it, I found a brand new iphone 8. I needed to set a reminder to pay him back for this. Going through the steps of setting it up, I logged into my account and it finished its activation. Seeing that it was already 2pm, I decided to take a nice warm shower. Getting in, the warm water hitting my achy muscles felt amazing. Just standing under the water, I didn't realize I had been in for a long time until, I heard a knock at the door and I realized I look liked a prune. Hurrying to get out of the shower, I put on the silk purple robe that was hanging up next to the towels and went to open the door. "Mr. Michaels had specific instructions about delivering the dress and shoes to you." the lady at the door says holding a hanger with a cover hanging down and a box of shoes. Letting her in, she hung the dress in the closet and set the shoe box on the desk and exited the room. Shutting the door behind her, I went to the closet to examine the dress. Pulling the cover off, I was in awe at the elegant navy blue dress that hung from the hanger. It was short, probably hung mid thigh and and a clasp to go around my neck. There were sequins along the clasp with a gold band going around the rib cage. This dress was breathe taking, but looking at the back I realized it wasn't going to cover my scar. Feeling anxious at this, I carefully lifted it off the hangers and set it on the bed. Going to my suitcase and grabbing a black pair of panties and set it down next to the dress. Letting the robe slip off, I slipped on the panties and the dress. Examining myself in the mirror, it was a perfect fit. My tan legs looked good and it fit my chest and my curves just right. Turning around to examine how much of my scar showed, to see half of it exposed. I'm hoping that the make up artist has something to cover this with. Hearing a knock at the door, I go to open it to have three people with heeps of bags and boxes of what I'm assuming is hair and make up products. "Honey dearest, could you please come sit?" the guy in leather pants and a leopard print tank tops asks. Doing as he says, he starts brushing through the mess of shower head hair and puts some nice smelling hair products in. Finally starting to blow dry it, the other two started doing my make up. Looking through different foundations to match my perfect skin tone and highlight. When they got the perfect tone, they asked what color eye shadow would I prefer. "Gold or light pink has always worked well with my skin." They nod in unison and let the guy continue on my hair. Putting it in a half ponytail, he began to curl. When he was finished, I looked in the mirror and loved the way it accented the dress. "Beautiful girl you." he says packing up his tools. The girls brought their magic stuff over and began to paint on my face. What seemed like forever, was only about an hour of them both working on my face. When they were finished, I looked in the mirror and instantly felt like a princess. Opening the shoe box, I found a pair of silver with gold sparkled heels. Slipping them on, I looked at the finished product and instantly felt pretty. Before the make up artists left, I stopped them and asked "I'm sure you noticed my scar on my back. Do you think you have anything that could cover it up?" The two girls looked at each other and said "We have something that might. But why would you want to hide it?" "Because in high school there was a girl who pretended to be my friend and wanted me to wear a bikini. When I refused, she took matters into her own hands and took all my clothes from the locker room and my scars were exposed. I was known as frankengirl. Especially the girl who started the mess. She told me no one could ever love a girl with scars and ever since then, I've believed it." The girls looked at me with sadness in their eyes and said "But that's not true. Scars show a story and past. What happened to you has shaped you to who you are today. Don't let those girls steal your happiness from you." I stood there for a minute trying to gather the courage to not let those girls win. They gave me a hug and left. Going back to the mirror, I stare at myself for one more minute. I didn't even look this good at my brothers wedding.

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