Chapter 10

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I shut off my alarm and roll over. I had stayed up most of the night crying and I didn't want to go to work to see him. He was ignoring me and he had played me. How in the world did I fall for it? Oh that's right I've been in love with the man for years. "Aiv? You getting up for work?" I hear V knocking on the door. Sighing, I pull the blankets over to cover my face as she walks in. "Aivery, are you okay?" she says sitting down on my bed next to me. She pulls the blanket off of me and sighs, noticing my red blotchy face. "What's going on?" I fidget with the blanket trying to ignore her question. "Aiv, just tell me what's going on. Do I need to kick someone's ass?" I laugh and she smirks. I sigh and say "Jackson is ignoring me. I haven't heard from him since Friday and I don't want to go to work to face him. He used me and I fell for it. How stupid am I?" The tears started coming down again and I wiped them off. V laid down next to me and got under the covers. "Well, what are you gonna do? You can call in today but what about tomorrow or the next day? You'll eventually have to face him." I nod and realize what she's saying. "Do you know any places hiring?" she looks at me wearily and says "Are you sure you want to make such a rash decision just because you slept with him?" I nod. "If he doesn't have the balls to just tell me I was a quick fuck, then he isn't who I thought he was. There is no point in seeing or continuing to work for him." She understood what I was saying and said "Well, where are you gonna work? You hate the coffee shop, it doesn't challenge you. But we are hiring I can talk to my boss." I turn my head and looked at my alarm clock. If I was gonna quit, I need to do it now before Jackson gets to the office. "Get me the job." I say picking up my phone and unlocking it. She sits up and nods leaving the room. "Michaels Industries, this is Shannon, how may I assist you today?" the perky blonde at the front desk says into the phone. "Hi Shannon, its Aivery, can you leave a message for Mr. Michael's that I quit please?" Sounding shocked, Shannon responds with "O-O-okay what reason do I give Mr. Michaels?" Trying to rack my brain of a reason, I say "I found another job." I hang up and curl into a ball and put the covers back over my head.

"You have the job. He says you can start Friday." V says coming back into my room an hour later. Trying to hide the sobs, I bite my tongue. "Aivery, please tell me your not crying still?" V says lifting the blanket off of me. "Let's get you up. I know this is hard for you, but you can't sulk around all day." "Please just leave me alone for today. I need to be alone." I say pulling the blanket back. She sighs and leaves the room shutting the door behind her. I hear my phone going off and grab it to see the office of Mr. Michaels' calling. Hitting the decline button, I turn it off and put the blankets back on my head and lay there, listening to my sobs.

"Will you please eat? I'm worried about you Aivery." V says as I walk into the kitchen two days later. "Why should I?" I say sitting on the bar stool. She sighs at me and says "At least your out of  that room." I chuckle and she smiles her warm smile. She continues to look through her cookbook to find a certain recipe her mother used to make her. "You need to get over that dirtbag. He hasn't even come to see you or call you. He doesn't deserve these tears." "He took my virginity and told me that he's been wanting to be with me since the moment he saw me. He played me Violett. The tears aren't about him. They're for me for being so stupid." She sighs and says "Sweetheart, your aren't stupid. He is for using you. He doesn't deserve you." Looking down at my hands, I hear my phone go off and go to my room take a look at it. Seeing a text from Jackson, I decide to open it. 

"Will you please let me explain what happened? I've been dealing with enough shit I wasn't expecting you to up and quit on me. I didn't deserve this shit that's being dealt at the moment. Please answer."

V comes in to see my face and says "You don't answer that piece of shit. " I look up and say "He wants to explain." She gave my phone a death glare. "You shouldn't even been considering this but its your decision." She states leaving my room. I exit out of my texts and hit the call button. "Thank fucking god." Jackson says answering the phone. "You have two minutes. If what you tells me sounds reasonable then ill accept if not you don't contact me again."  He growls and says "Fine." There's a long silence and I say "Your two minutes have started." "My ex wife decided to take a stay at my house while I was away. We had somethings to work out. That's the only reason I didn't answer you back. I couldn't deal with her and deal with you at the same time." Growing even more pissed off at what he just said, I say "You didn't have to ignore me. I'm not some clingy bimbo. You could've just texted me and said there was shit going on and you would contact me when you could. It's not that hard and if you can't even do that, this wasn't going to work from this start." I hang up and throw my phone onto the bed, heading back to the living room. "What did he say?" V says curiously from the couch. I walk to the fridge and grab an apple and say " His ex wife is in town and he was having a hard time dealing with her that he couldn't deal with me either." "ppph what kind of excuse is that? He could of just told you what was going on."  I nod in agreeance and eat my apple. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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