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Jamie's POV
I'm about 6 months pregnant now and the nesting is in full swing. Leland and I have been working on the nursery and it's coming together nicely. My baby shower is a little later today and I'm so excited. Hopefully I'll get everything I need and I'll be able to finish any girl's nursery. I'm walking down the hall, towards the bedroom, and I see Leland in the nursery putting the crib together. "Look at you being the best daddy and putting the crib together." I say with a smile as I walk in and sit next to him on the floor. "Well I am the world's greatest dad according to Leiah." Leland says with a smile. I lean towards him and softly kiss his shoulder. "I'm gonna go change for the baby shower. Are you going to come with me?" "Yeah, I just need to change my shirt. I'll be in there in a minute."

We arrive at Beth and Duane's house and from the looks of it, we are the last to arrive. "I bet everyone is waiting on us." I say with a laugh. "Well, you are the guest of honor so they can wait on you." Leland says getting out of the car and coming to help me out. Once we finally make it in the door, we are bombarded by hugs and cheers. I'm sitting in the living room talking with all the girls and I see Leland sitting outside with his dad and brother. "Will you excuse me for just a second?" I ask the ladies as I start making my way outside. I open the door and all three guys turn to look at me. "Sorry gentlemen, but I need to borrow my husband for a few minutes. It's time to open gifts." I say sweetly, grabbing Leland's hand and leading him inside.

Leland's POV
I follow Jamie inside because I know that she is eager to go home and finish the nursery. I sit beside her and watch every time her eyes light up when she opens a gift. She's ready to have the nursery done and the baby to be here. "So Jamie, have you picked out a name yet?" One of the ladies asks. "Yes we do." Jamie says looking up at me. I nod, telling her that it's ok to tell them if she wants to. "We went back and forth on a few names and finally agreed on my favorite, Everly Jade." She says with a smile. "Oh my goodness, that's so cute." All the ladies ooh and ahh for awhile over baby stuff and before long, Jamie is ready to head home.

I wake up about midnight alone in bed. I get up to go find Jamie. She likes her sleep so it's not like her to not be in bed. I walk into the hall and I see the light to the nursery on. I should have known that she would be in there. I walk into the nursery and watch her as she puts the bed stuff in the crib. "What are you doing up?" I ask as I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. "I couldn't sleep because I can't get comfortable, so I came in here to organize some things." She says looking at me with tired eyes. "Come get back in bed and I'll rub your back. I'll help you finish the nursery tomorrow." Jamie nods her head and we walk back to the bedroom. Within minutes of me rubbing her back, she was sound asleep.

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