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I woke up an y/n was gone, she left a note on the desk.
hey if your reading this it means I'm already gone. I have to take care of a few things, dont call or text me. I'll try to stay safe. I love you, please don't come looking after me. I love you
what? where did she go? what does she have to take care of? why couldn't I contact her?
I needed to talk to Jake. he new her longer, maybe he knows what's up. I ran into his room. nope I ran down stairs, no where. OUT SIDE. I ran out. "jake!?!" "yeah what's up?" I handed him the note. "its nothing colby" he seemed off. "its nothing, my ass, what is it about?" "Colby it's ok" "please tell me, what's going on?" I couldn't help but be worried, I kind of wanted to cry.

~y/ns pov~
I felt bad for leaving with out him but I didn't want him to do something stupid. it's my sister's birthday today, I visit every year. I sneak through the window so my mom and step dad dont know I'm there. I don't ever want to talk to them again. anyway, my sister, vivian, shes turning 15. I was hoping sooner than later i could let her stay with me, in my extra room. the flight just landed and I have about an hour walk.  I walk so, it less likely to get caught.

~time skip~
~Colbys pov~
"Jake why wont you tell me!?!?" "colby, it been two hours, all I'll tell you is she went back home" "WHAT? I have go find her" "DUDE" Jake kind of yelled at my while stopping me with his arm. "you read the note she doesn't want to to follow her" "but Jake, what if-" "dude, if anything happened shed call me" "she said-" "colby I read the note, you have to remember I know alot more than you" I nodded. I went back upstairs, kind of sad. I got even sadder when I saw all of our snacks and movies from last night.

~y/ns pov~
I'm about a block away and I text vivan.
me: hey v, I'm about a block away
v: ok I'll be in my room
me: perfect
she got my room when I moved in with Jake. shes also abused but not as bad as I was. she wasn't aloud to have a phone but I got her one last year so we could talk while I was several states away. the only condition was, that she his it from the parents. I get to the back yard and peer into the window of the kitchen. there was my mom. and step dad, Frank, fighting for the millionth time. I crept over to my old bedroom, and knocked on the window. she tip tied over and opened it. I crawled in and sat on the bed. "hey" "hi, how are things here-" qe heard the door open then slam shut. once again about a minute later. "one sec" she walked out and looked around the house. "there gone" I walk out and we sit in the living room.

~colbys pov~
fuck, I missed her. I don't know what to do with out her. what if she was dead? what if this is her way of breaking up with me? no, stop she love you, she promised she would leave.  I'm so pathetic, here I am talking to myself, cause I'm so attached to y/n. I have to distract myself. "hey, sam wanna hang?" "sure"

~y/ns pov~
"I should probably go, but happy birthday, I love you and stay safe" the door flew open, it was mom. "who is this- oh my y/n? is that you?" "yeah" "I love you but you have to leave Frank is on his way home" "ok?" "he says he's going to kill me, and I'm sure if he knows your back he might-" "I might what" there he was, knife in hand be hind my mother. "why dont you kid you to vivian's room I'll deal with you soon" "go kids I don't want you to see this" my mom winked knowing how I got in. "come on" we walked in and shut the door. I helped her out the window and we ran. "you call the cops I'll call Jake"

~jakes pov~
I was in the middle of editing my video when I got a call from y/n. "is something wrong?" "very" "are you ok?" "for now" she told me everything that went down. "shit" "yeah, vivian just called the cops and were on our way to the airport. the flight leaves in an hour" "ok, do you want me to tell colby hea been worried shit all day" "yeah, that's fine, tell him I love him" "yeah" she hung up. "yo, colby" "yeah" I heard kind of depressed fro up stairs. "its y/n" i didnt get a response, just heard feet running down stairs. "what is it" "she was almost killed" "what the fuck, see I told you it wasn't nothing, now I'm definitely going to find her" "no, your not, shes safe and has vivian at the airport" "who's vivan?" "I'm sorry dude" "why cant you tell me anything?" "it's not my place to" "fuck it I'm calling her"

~Colbys pov~
no, no, no. you cant just say y/n almost died and expect me not to call her. "hello?" "y/n, what the fuck are you ok?" "yeah colbys I'm fine-" "no dont 'colbs' me I've been worried sick and then I get word you almost died?" "how much do you know" "nothing, Jake wont tell me a fucking thing" "colby I promise I explain everything when we get back" "we, who's vivan?" "shes my sister, like I said I'll explain everything" I didnt know how to respond. "colby?" you could tell there were tears in her eyes, as well as mine "yeah" "I love you" I smiled, but the tears didn't stop. "I love you to" she giggled a tearful giggle. "that plane better hurry up, so I can tackle you and smother you in my love" she giggled again "how romantic" i laughed at her comment. "were about to board, love you" "love you too"

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