Wal-mart Motto

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I had to do some research for this story. The first Wal-Mart opened in Oklahoma between the years of 1965-68, I couldn't pinpoint the exact date or year. 

(Darry's POV)

Soda, Ponyboy, and I were at the store grocery shopping. "Hey, Darry!"

I turn around from looking at Tooty Fruity Rings, "What is it, Pony?"

"Can we get this cereal?" He holds up a box of Fruit Loops.

"It's not off-brand. We don't have the money for it."

"Come on Dar, just one time," Soda asked trying to convince me with puppy eyes.

"No." I said putting the Tooty Fruity Rings in the cart. "Save money. Live better." I

started pushing the cart down the aisle and I didn't hear footsteps behind me. Then I hear laughter. "What're you guys laughing at?"

Between laughter Soda managed to spit out: "You used the Wal-Mart motto in your "saving- money-by-buying-knock-off-products" speech."

"I did?"

"Yeah, you did," Pony said, attempting to cock an eyebrow, "You didn't notice?"

"Stop trying to be Two-Bit," I said starting to walk again, "plus they've been showing those commercials alot on TV lately."

"Mhmmmm sure." Soda looked at me.

"Dad." I heard a voice behind me. I turned and saw Pony with a stupid grin on his face.

"You're both nuts," I couldn't help saying while grinning, and shaking my head.

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