8. Him

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       ~Lexi's P.O.V~
   It has been 2 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, and exactly 52 minutes since I had broken up with Mason. You know how when you watch a really good tv series or read a fantastic book series and suddenly you're on the last page, the last sentence, the last word, and then it's over and you realize you will never know what happened after? That's exactly how I feel. I know I did the right thing by breaking up with Mason but the question is, for who? It's like for every- "Lex?"
I stopped writing in my diary when I heard Sam's voice by my bedroom door. I had gotten a diary after I had broken up with Mason because I read online that somehow it helps, like I'm talking to an actual person. But I'm not, because it's just me in this small, dusty, old room.
"Come in." I almost gasped when I heard my voice. Did that really belong to me? The voice tone was weak, croaky. I shook my head, of course it belonged to me, I hadn't spoken to anyone since Mason and I broke up.
Clearly Sam was affected by my awful sounding voice as well because he flinched when he heard it. "You're going back to school today." He said sternly to me. I glared at him and opened my mouth to argue but he put up a hand to stop me. "No arguments, I don't want to hear it, you are going to school today." He all but growled at me, turning around to leave. I glared at his retreating back and picked up the closest thing near me and chucked it at his head with as much force as I could manage. The object knocked against his head, quite hard I might add. He barely even flinched and kept walking out the door. I groaned frustrated and rolled off of my bed and fell on the floor. Ow.


   As the rain patterned the window, I drew tiny constellations. Today felt different, almost like the hole in my heart had been sealed, not like it had been healed, but as of it had never existed.(yes new moon quote :D) I could barely hear the rain over my music playing. "What about now by Daughtry" was playing, it was one of my favorite songs. Was. Now I hated it, because it was Mason and I's song. Stupid shuffle song option.
Since I was in my own little world I didn't notice we had pulled into school until Sam was shaking me. "Lex come on, school time." Ugh, hell.

Throughout first period which was Language Arts, I did nothing except flipping my pencils at the wall next to me. In case you were wondering, I sit in the back of the class, next to me is where Mason used to sit, except now he moved up to the front of the class and sitting in his old seat seat is some new kid. I only caught his first name, Blake, and that he apparently has a "bad boy" reputation.
I flipped another pencil with a little too much force needed and it sailed through the classroom and hit the teacher in the back of the head. Uh oops?
I quickly hid the rest of my pencils in my leather jacket and turned my head pretending to be interested in the subject. "How dare you?!" The teacher, Ms. Springer gasped, looking directly at Blake. I glanced at him to see his reaction. He smirked. "I'm oh so sorry," He commented sarcastically, "Maybe you should teach something more interesting so people wouldn't feel the need to throw pencils at ugly hags like you." He turned his head slightly towards me conspicuous enough that I was the only one who noticed. The rest of the class snickered quietly at what he had said. I did as well but quickly stopped when I saw the look on her face. "Detention Mr. Carter." She all but shouted in his face, her own so red it could be mistaken for a rotten tomato.
Blake narrowed his eyes at her as if it hurt him too much to look normally. "K." He said uncaringly, putting his feet on the desk. She huffed and began the lesson again.
During this whole exchange I was trying as hard as I possibly could not to burst out laughing at any given moment. I composed my face as Blake slowly turned to look at me. "You're welcome." He murmured softly, his electrifying blue eyes staring into my boring brown orbs. "Thanks." I whispered my voice barely audible but apparently was heard by him. he winked and smirked at me, before turning his head around to focus on the lesson. But I couldn't focus because my mind was buzzing and I couldn't look away from him.


Finally, after 6 more hours of hell, the bell rang and I bolted out of the school. Instead of heading straight to Sam's old pickup truck I starting walking down an old street. I had an idea of where I wanted to go although it wasn't something Sam would approve of. Hanging out with Hailey for a few hours to study k? I texted him. He replied a few minutes later. Have fun!
Chuckling lightly to myself, I continued walking past old run-down buildings, it was too easy to do whatever I wanted, as long as Sam though I was hanging with friends, everything would be just peachy.
After about 20 more minutes of walking, I stopped in front of Lynn's Tattoos which was a store so old you'd think it was from the 1800s from how old and rusted it looked, but nevertheless, it was still in business.
I walked inside and waved to the person at the front desk, no surprise that it was Leah Clearwater. Since the store hardly ever got any new workers, I was friends with all of them.
She waved back then led me over to a chair, the tattoo machine behind her. "So, what do you want, this time?" She asked, curiosity burning deep in her eyes. I'd never really picked a picture that they had hanging on the walls, I just looked up or drew the pictures myself and gave them something to copy, mostly because I would much rather have something on my body from my own mind and not anyone else's. I showed her the picture on my phone, it was of a bird flying out of a cage.
That tattoo was to symbolize the fact that since I was now a wolf, I could do whatever I wanted, be whoever I wanted. I was free.

Pic of tattoo on the side!!
I'm not really completely sure why the fuck I added her getting a tattoo but oh well. That's a tat i actually want irl too. So uh yeah....Bye. xD

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