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I stand in my room looking at the crown Id always been shown would be mine. My mum put it on my head before but it fell to my neck and became a necklace. It got stuck and it took so much butter to get it off. Mum found it hysterical. I remember screaming that I'd have to live with a diamond collar.
Now. Its sat here on a pillow.
I won't have to wear it long. I'm going to be swapping it for a different crown. I take a breath and take the cold metal and sit it on my pinned back hair. Looking at the finished look. The gown feels to big. But i know its something a queen would wear.
I know theres a lot of people coming. Everyone wants to see the missing princess. To start living in the abandoned castle. The farms around the castle are selling so quickly. Maids have been hired. Some soldiers from Justins army stayed behind to help build defences. To start a small army myself. He has his commander here to keep everything in order. And he's actually very good. He guards me like I need it. But that's just his job.
The door opens and I turn to Toby who smiles at me "look at you"

Pip comes behind him. Eating an apple "God! Your a women? That makes all them naked moments so awkward!" I throw my brush at him "you look alright"
Really! "You both look amazing!" Their dressed in their best. In the same black suits and green sashes.
Toby takes my hand and turns me, looking me over "I am so proud of you Trish" I smile and take his hand "I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for you"
I hear the trumpets go through the castle and look out the window "well... looks like you should get down there. I hope your at the front row"
"Of course we are... I just wanted to see how you were. I'm sorry he couldn't be here"
I shrug "he has a lot on himself. I understand that" i kiss his cheek "I love you"
"I love you too" he winks and head out "see you soon my queen"
"You might be a queen... but if you think im going to treat you any different. Your going to get the shock of your life" he kisses my head and runs after Toby. I hear them mumbling and watch Pip tap Tobys back. He's got emotional again.
I close my eyes and take a breath.
As much as I didnt want to get upset when I got the message from Justin. I did.
Hes got a lot of kingdoms trying to work out where their alliances lie now Alberts dead. And thats a good enough reason for me.
But it would have been nice to have him here.

I stand at the doors. Its ok! Its alright! These are my people. Im going to face them and lead them. The way they want to be lead. As a human. Not by ignorance.
This is your time Trish. This is your responsibility. All of it. Everything has come to this!
The doors opens and everyone turns to look at me... oh god! I changed my mind! I want to go back!
I look out at all the people. There's so many people! No! I turn and crash into a chest "im sorry! Excuse me!" My wrist gets held and im pulled back "you weren't planning on running was you?" I look up at Pip... "I had a feeling you'd be nervous. Come on" he takes my hand and tucks it under his arm "you can do anything Trish... this is nothing" he starts walking and I try fight him but hes stronger than me and tugs me towards the aisle that's lined with chairs. I kick him on the way and look forward... the throne... and I stare forward... and I see them... their just standing there "Pip... am I going crazy?" I whisper.
"My parents... their there"
Right there. Their smiling down at me. My dads just holding my mum and shes crying. They look so happy. So proud. So in love...
And I smile back. I can do this... I can do this for them.
And just like they were there. They disappeared in a blink. Their here with me... and i think I know they always have been.
I squeeze Pips hand and walk with my head up.
I get to the end of the aisle and Pip pulls me into him "youve always been my queen Trish... and Ill follow you til the day you die"
I laugh "the day I die?"
"Well your obviously going to die long before me" he chuckles and pushes me towards a priest. The crowd gasping and obviously shocked at the action. I just smile.
I look towards the sour faced old man and stand tall "I'm ready"
"Good" he nods and opens a book. Reciting something in an old language I havent heard. Well. Recently anyway "we stand present. Not only in a new generation... but a reformed one" reformed... i like that word "Not only have we, finally come together for the first time since that tragic day to mourn for the first time as a people. But in celebration that we can, finally, celebrate our kingdom" he's quite the poet! "So. With this crown holds our kingdom strong. And with the crown needs a leader to hold it... do you Patrisha Redgrave take the responcibility of this kingdom. Its land. Its people. Its spirit?"
"I do" i say it so surely. I didnt even have to think about it.
"Then rise Patrisha and look at your new rule" I turn to the crowd and gulp but nod "and we all witness. Not only a crowning. But a beginning" the tiara gets taken from my head and I feel so much lighter. Its fine! Everything about this seems like its part of a dream. Yet here we stand. Women, men, children. The hall so full there's not enough chairs to hold them "so with this crown, i dub thee Queen Patrisha-" the doors open and I look up and smile. Justins marching in  looking windswept, out of breath. I run at him hearing a clutter behind me and everyone gasps.
"I'm so sorry I'm late!" I jump at him and wrap my arms and legs around him. He stumbles back but I keep hold of him
"I don't care!" I grab his face and plant my lips on his.
Gasps fill the room again and mumbling.
I laugh and take my legs from around his waist "you haven't even been crowned and everyone's already got something to say"
... "oh god!" I look back at the priest whos looking up shocked. Wiping the crown... what happened? I look back at Justin "give me a minute... your highness" shit! I just jumped on a new king! I rush back to the old man "I am, so sorry!"
He shakes his head "I hope thats not going to be your rule"
I chuckle "I have no idea how Ill rule" I admit "but I'll do everything I can for my people"
He sighs and turns me back to the people "lets do this before something else comes up" Pip snorts and laughs quietly with his hand over his face. Toby slaps his arm "Queen... Patrisha Redgrave of Tisban" something goes over my head and the room applauds... done? I look back at the old man who shakes his head "your done"
"I dont know what sort of queen Ill be. But Ill be makes sure everything I do... itll be what is best for my people... it wont be easy and i have a lot to learn... so bare with me"
They all stare at me, then one set of hands start applauding. I look down at Toby, then Pip. Justin doesn't applaud, he just looks at me proudly. He steps up to me and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him and kissing me heavily. I smile and fall into him "am i forgiven?"
"I think I can let it go" I grab his beard "look how long its gotten"
He shrugs "well someone Im trying to impress likes me with a beard"
I smile "your growing it for me?"
"I'd do a lot for you your majesty... a beard... well that's the least I can do"

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