Tooth Palace

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    Waking up in the morning. Hardest struggle for every teenager..... Well for every single thing on the planet. Except for Miranda. The child already up and shaking the blonde who awoke with a gasp and a slight jolt, making the little girl giggle.

    Rachel rubbed her eyes looking around until her beautiful brown pupils landed on Miranda in front of her. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose "Morning Miranda", the child replying with a smile.

    Getting up with a exhale of breath, she walked with the little girl downstairs and rubbed her eyes doing a double take of all the sleeping guardians. Day 3... or was it 4? Rachel didn't even know at this point, she just knew that this wasn't going to be the last day that she would see them. The girls were in this fight now, forever.

    Going to the kitchen, Rachel immediately went to the fridge and got a pickle for Miranda. It was an interesting sight, but she let Miranda have whatever she wanted. Seeing it was almost lunchtime, she realized, this was the 3-4 day away from home. Jake now padding around the kitchen, he panted and followed the two girls. Putting her dirty blonde hair up in a bun, she didn't really eat anything. Opening the back glass door, she let Jake outside. 

    Sandy had put the mothers on the adult's bed upstairs, them still sleeping. Julia starting to wake up about 2 hours later and curled into Bunny's fur as he grunted. Bella rubbed her eyes and had woken up a little bit before her only to blush brightly seeing the sleeping snow guardian next to her. Walking around before finally setting down outside, Rachel watched Miranda play on the little swing set they had. Being in the same clothes for a couple days did not .... Feel... fun. She felt unclean and tired. This journey was affecting the girls greatly, now more tired than ever and now not expecting a nice, fun winter break. Well, it was fun at first.

    Realizing Tooth had left without a note back to her palace, she had to get back to work. Cupid had gone with her just in case and now the house was starting to wake up and everyone was getting lively.

    Now petting Jake's head softly, his pink tongue hanging to the side cutely, the blonde's mind wandered. The girls figured from the movie that it would go to Tooth's Palace, then Sandy dying, and etc. It seemed that that was not the case.

    Pitch on the other hand, now pacing his lair with Lilith; his lead mare watching. Twirling the stone in between his fingers, he stared intently at it. What the heck did it do?! Suddenly he stopped and stared into the air like he had a plan, in which he did and smirked. His eyes glowing "Come, Lilith." Disappearing into the shadows he clicked his tongue and sent nightmares out. While the guardians were sleeping, the little tooth fairies were still buzzing around, finding teeth and whatnot. Tooth not being on work patrol the fairies had their own time to do things, but also collect teeth.

    Soon enough Pitch started his mayhem, figuring he would start with the 'weakest' of the guardians he went for Tooth's Palace. Even if she had a dark past, she still had immense will and strength. Even this though, would destroy her, she loved the children.

    At the moment, Tooth Palace, a beautiful aroma of delicate artistry and architect. Tooth fluttered around with a tiny smile as Cupid just walked around and sometimes flew around helping. The colors glowing to the point where it was a glow in the dark building. The colors a beautiful pink, yellow, gold, orange, and fuschia, purple, and other beautiful colors now turning dark as a shadow made its way to the Palace. Some of the little fairies squeaked and talked in their language with fear. Tooth narrowed her eyes seeing the shadow and saw her tiny fairies bustle around in panic. Cupid flew down and landed next to the tooth fairy to only freeze hearing Pitch's words. 

    Pitch grinned in pure amusement "Yes, that's right. Fly, fly away in fear" he purred before sending his little nightmares up and out. A single nightmare now swallowing fairies and some swallowing the teeth canisters. Tooth was freaking out at this point and trying to fight, so were her helpers. "Cupid go!!" she cried, only to stay and fight as Cupid went back to the teenager's house. This is where he would start with his mayhem, breaking them down one by one. This is what fear was like, fear would score the land and break down everything until there was nothing left.

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