First Day Jitters (Ch. 1 Edited)

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Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The sound of my annoying alarm clock broke me out of my day dream. It wasn't like I was sleep anyway because for some reason I woke up around an hour ago at 5... in the morning... on my own. That has literally never happened to me before. Normally I wake up around 12 or 1.

It must be first day jitters. Every year I get nervous about going back to school even though I've been at my school since 6th grade. There's a middle and high school, but they're located at different locations.

Even though I've been going to this school for a long time, I stick to myself. I know a lot of people and they know me, but I'm not the social type. That ended a while ago.

After I finally gain some energy, I get up and take a quick shower with my favorite almond scented body wash. It's a subtle scent. Most girls like fruity scented body washes and stuff, but I prefer almonds.

As I finish brushing my teeth, I put my thick, shoulder length, black hair in a high bun. I take a moment to observe myself. I have regular brown eyes that sometimes look like melting chocolate in the light. I'm 5'3, have curves I can't stand, and a stomach slightly bigger than what I want but, hey. What can you do? My hair is healthy and natural, but a huge pain in the ass sometimes.

I sigh and go in my closest to put on my uniform. Yup, that's right, we have to wear a uniform. And it isn't the regular khaki pants or anything, it's a SKIRT!!

We have to wear a white buttoned down shirt, a disgusting plaid skirt, and a tie. It doesn't stop there. We also have to wear knee high socks with dress shoes that can't have a "white sole."

Not 3 seconds after I finish getting dressed, my mom peeps her head in the door and looks me up and down while smiling. "I was just making sure you were actually woke. Breakfast is downstairs on the table. I love you and have a good day. I'm going to sleep before your sister wakes up....again."

My little sister, Bre, played sick last week to get out of school this week. Now she's actually sick, and she keeps waking up because her nose is stopped up. I laugh a little as she mumbles that last part before replying back.

"I love you too mom, have a good day." She gives a small smile as she walks back to her room, down the hall. I grab my backpack and phone off the charger as I make my way downstairs. I see the time and rush to gobble down my eggs and pancakes, before walking outside to begin my journey to school. I wonder how this is going to go.

After about 10 minutes of walking, I finally see CRS High. Our school has a dumb name. It's called College Ready Students High School. I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I told my mom and dad I wanted to go here. At first I thought it was an amazing school. Now I realize it's just like any other stereotypical high school in Memphis.

Anyway, as I look down at my phone to look at the time, I bump into someone. I look up to see a girl about an inch taller than me with brown eyes and long, but thick, hair. Her skin tone is about the same as mines, only a teeny bit darker, which is hardly noticeable. We both look up and instantly apologize.

"I'm sorry," we both say at the same time. We laugh at how alike we sounded. I decide to try and be social for once. I put my hand out and say in a cheerful tone, "Hi, I'm Kierra." She smiles and shakes my hand. " I'm Jessica. Sorry for bumping into you, I was checking the time." We finishing shaking hands and start walking into the school together. "It's cool. I was doing the same thing. So, you must be new?"

I didn't want to sound rude but I was curious as to why I haven't met her before. She actually seems nice unlike the rest of these stuck up students I've know since 6th grade.

She chuckles lightly and admits is. "Yeah. My mom, brothers, and I just moved here a couple of months ago. I'm honestly nervous about attending here. They say it's only for the top 5% of the students in the state. That's kind of overwhelming especially not knowing anyone here." I laugh at the irony.

"I was the same way when I first came here. It's not that bad. Well the work and teachers aren't, but the students are. Not trying to scare you or anything, but these students are freaking terrible." She laughs at me.

" Well at least I have one friend. Now come on before we're late." I laugh as she pulls me to the cafeteria with the other students.

If you haven't noticed yet, our school isn't like others. Every morning we all come in the cafeteria and eat breakfast, while they check to make sure our uniform is correct and that we aren't doing anything, and I quote, "negative like the lowest 5% of kids do." I'm not gonna lie, I burst out laughing when I heard Principle Griffin say that.

As we find a spot at one of the tables, I see the school's "Queen" and "King" walk over and sit at the same table as us. They smirk at me and I simply roll my eyes.

Staying silent, I grab Jessica's hand and pull her to another table. Anyone else I wouldn't have done that but seeing as we've just met and she's already dragged me once, I didn't see the problem.

She also stayed silent as we sat at a new table across the room. Then she turned to me with a smirk and said "spill." Welp. She doesn't waste time.

I know I looked like a deer caught in headlights, but be honest. I've known her for like 5 minutes and she already wants to know my business. I'm not being mean or anything, I'm just saying. Maybe all "new friends" does this, though.

I sigh, "now's not the time, later." She looks disappointed but understanding. We continue to skip the school's breakfast and talk about random stuff. I learned that she has 2 brothers, both of them older. Her favorite color is purple and she hates pink.

I laugh when I hear this, thinking of when I was in 6th grade and pink was my favorite color, though now it's blue.

Before we know it, it's time to go to class. They tried dismissing us by class, but that hasn't worked since 10th grade.

I look on the wall—where everyone's first class is posted—to look for my first period class. I know I only take a selected amount of classes, because I already have mostly all of my credits. I see my first period is English Dual Enrollment, and groan at having to do it this early in the morning.

Luckily, Jessica has the same class. I'm impressed. This is the highest English class in the school. Jessica may be nervous, but evidently she's smart as hell. I know she'll survive this school. The only thing she has to worry about is the students, though I'm sure she'll fit in nicely here.

A/N: I'm now attempting to edit this book. The first few chapters are short, so I combined the first and second chapter. They flow well together, so there shouldn't be a problem.

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