He's Dead (chap.14)

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After being at Jordan's house for a couple more hours, I eventually went home. I went up to my room and wondered what did I do to get my life to this point. Things are actually starting to look up.

I take my phone out and start reading 'His Soft Spot' by LuuMMJ, on Wattpad.  I freaking love that book. As time goes on, my stomach starts to growl. I reluctantly close out of Wattpad and go down to the kitchen.

I make me some chicken and noodles and sit at the table to eat and continue my book. As soon as I finish my parents and my sister walk in the door. Bre runs over to me and starts talking a mile a minute.

"Ki guess what. We went to the park. We went to get some ice cream, and ma said we going to the movies tonight. So that means we have to get ready together, remember." I smile and nod my head.

I promised her anytime we go somewhere together, we would get dressed together so we would match. I look up at my parents to find them in a heated discussion. I didn't know what was going on, but it didn't look good. I pulled Bre up to my room not wanting her to see or hear them. Once we got up there I asked her what time the movie starts.

"7:00. We going to see The Emoji Movie." [A/N: I couldn't think of any other family movie off the top of my head. Sorry] I nod and realize we only have like 45minutes to get there. It's only a 10minute drive, but still.

"Go take a shower and meet me in your room. I'll take one too, but it's easier to pick your clothes first." She nods and run off to her room which also has a bathroom in it. I go to my bathroom and turn the water on before stripping out of my clothes. I then just jump right into the shower.

I love taking scolding hot showers. I don't know why but they are so relaxing. After being in there for about 15minutes I wrap a towel around myself  and go down the hall to my sister's room. She's already sitting on the bed wrapped in a towel watching TV.

I go to her closet and ask her. "What color are we going for today?" She thinks about it before replying with " maybe just a plain white and black outfit." I nod and rummage through her closet. Three minutes later, I find a shirt that says "Smalls" and I remember I have the one that says "Biggie." I smile and put that, some blue jeans, and some black and white Converses on the bed. She looks at it and smile.

I tell her to get dressed white I quickly go to my room and find my clothes and put them on. I must say, our outfits are bomb.

We look at each other and smile and go down stairs

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We look at each other and smile and go down stairs. We see our parents all cuddled up on the couch and I know whatever conflict they had, they solved it. My dad spoke once he saw us. "Aren't y'all just the cutest things." Is it just me or is he trying to be sarcastic. I decide to mess with him.

"Mom you know how I told you nothing about you was funny?" I continued when she nodded her head with a curious look on her face. "Well, I lied. You're choice in men are hilarious." I was laughing my butt off while my mom tried to hold it in.

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