Our Little Secret

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Lani pov

I had just finished getting ready for school, combing my long black hair before grabbing my bag and running out to the lounge. Gustavo was sitting at the table eating breakfast, "What are you doing, puta?" I laughed midway. He put his hand over his heart, fake shocked, "I can't come hang with my cousins?" I rolled my eyes before giving him a hug. "Where's Cesar? Oscar won't drive you if you take too long." I shrugged, rolling my eyes, "He's not my responsibility." I started walking out of the house when I saw the squad waiting for us outside. "Cesar is still getting ready," I said and walked towards them, Jamal smiling and quickly looking down. I giggled. "Sorry I'm late, guys." Everyone nodded before they carried on walking, Monse and Cesar staying behind.

"Are you okay after last night?" Jamal asked now that everyone was minding their own business. I nodded slowly, "Yeah, I've learned to hold my own, perks of growing up around Santos, I guess." He smiled, nodding along. "Look, I just don't get how you can live like this." I overheard Monse snapping. I turned around, pausing in my footsteps. "Live like what?" She paused before rolling her eyes. Cesar looked at me, pleading for me to stop. I just rolled my eyes. Ruby pulled me away and moved me forward with Jamal. "You've got to cut that out. You're gonna break up the squad, Lani. I know you have the best intentions, but it might just go bad," Ruby whispered. I nodded, knowing what he said was right. A car pulled up next to us. I turned to Oscar, silently cheering because walking with Monse would've done my head in.

"Lani, in the car," Oscar snapped. He then pointed at Cesar, "You too." I sat in the front seat, watching Monse stare daggers into my soul just by seeing us with the other Santos. "Monse, you got a problem?" Oscar snapped. She jumped, "She's looking at nothing, Spooky, sorry." Ruby stepped in. Oscar lit a smoke before looking at Ruby and smiling, completely ignoring Monse, "Tell your mom I say thank you," he said before driving towards school.We pulled up and saw everyone staring, especially girls at Oscar and Gustavo who were in the car. I hugged Oscar goodbye, "Bye, Ossie. I'll see you after school." I kissed his cheek, waving bye to Gus, running to catch up with Jamal.

"Jamal," a girl smiled before I could get to him. I noticed Jasmine coming to my side, "Girl, you're totally crushing on that boy." I went bright red. "Jasmine, shut up," I laughed. She smiled, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a hug. "Let's do what I do best. I got you." She pulled over, instantly catching the new girl in a conversation and leading her away. "Catching girls' attention already?" Jamal laughed before we started walking together. "You know, don't let any of this Monse drama get to you. She is just pushing because she seems to think it's easy to walk away." I nodded in agreement with him. "Lani, I was wondering," he took a breath and then got interrupted, "Lani, let's go! We're gonna be late on our first day. Hurry up," he said, dragging me off. "Sorry, Jamal. I'll see you at lunch." He smiled sadly, turning the other way. I smacked the back of Ruby's head, "Hey, why did you drag me off? Jamal wanted to ask me something." Ruby laughed, "Yeah, he wanted to ask you out, but he'd get killed doing that." I opened my mouth in shock. "Are you serious?" He nodded, "Jamal's been crushing since forever. How have you not noticed?" I just nodded my head, still shocked by the news.

It came to lunch, and I saw Monse and sat next to her, smiling. "So, Lani, how's the gang-banging?" she smirked before rolling her eyes. "You can just leave, you know." I looked down, hurt by her comments. "Damn, Monse, why you always got your panties in a twist or something? Girl, you just worry about you." Jasmine smiled at me, sitting down next to me. "Sorry, just expressing my opinion." A tray slammed on the table. "Yeah, well, not everyone wants to hear your opinion, Monse. Get the message," Jamal said with a mouth full of pie. I looked around to see Cesar talking to the older Santos. They looked over and waved. I waved back, causing Jamal to gasp in fear. I smiled and put my hand on his knee. "It's okay; they aren't that scary." He smiled before I saw Ruby smirking toward both of us. Cesar came over to the table, "Sup, guys." Monse smiled, moving over. I rolled my eyes at Jasmine, who knows exactly what's going on. "Look, can you lot take your couple stuff somewhere else?" Jasmine moaned towards Monse. "I mean, so can Lani and Jamal." I dropped my sandwich in shock. "What did you just say?" Cesar repeated. Monse laughed, "Oh, nothing." I could see Cesar growing angry. Monse just never knows when to shut her mouth.

The bell rang, and I sat outside waiting for Oscar when Cesar sat next to me. "You wait till Gustavo, oh, even better, Oscar," he laughed, knowing I'll get in trouble. "You know what? It's none of your business, nor is there anything even going on." I snapped before seeing Oscar

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