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The group was currently in hell, none of us were talking, not even me or Jamal. I was upset he knew about Cesar and Olivia. Adding more fuel to the already burning fire, making everyone more angry and Monse hurt. The tension was palpable, and I missed Jamal. I missed when he would make me laugh, when things were simpler, and the squad was still a cohesive unit.

Oscar's disappointment lingered in the air, and we hadn't even had a conversation. The need to forge my own identity pushed me forward, but I couldn't help wonder: What did he expect?A sudden knock on my door disrupted my contemplation. Sad eyes met mine, and my emotions erupted, tears streaming down my face. "Oscar hates me. He despises everything about me because I kept a secret. He truly hates me," I sobbed, feeling the weight of my actions. The emotional turmoil seemed ceaseless. Sad eyes embraced me tightly. "Hey, baby girl, he doesn't hate you. He's just confused. You used to share everything with him, and he's hurt that you've grown up," he consoled me. The tears persisted, and he soothingly rubbed my back. "You'll be okay. Thank you, though," I whispered, expressing gratitude with a kiss on sad eyes' cheek before retreating to the kitchen.

Olivia's unexpected presence in my house caught me off guard. Glaring at her, I couldn't help but ask, "Why are you in my house?" She responded with an eye roll and dropped the bombshell, "Me and Cesar are kinda dating." My reaction was instantaneous – I spat out my water and stormed out the front door."You knew how much you meant to Monse, and now look – you threw her away like she means nothing!" I unleashed my anger on Cesar, tears streaming down my face. It felt like an emotional dam had burst, and I couldn't contain the flood. In a fit of rage, I lunged at Cesar, throwing punches and screaming in frustration.

Amidst my emotional outburst, Cesar attempted to stop me, grappling with my flailing fists. "You're gonna split up the gang! I hope you're happy!" I shouted, my emotions reaching a breaking point. Cesar, trying to reason with me, said, "You're secretly dating Jamal. That hurt us all, even Oscar." His accusation cut deep, intensifying my sorrow. "I never wanted to hurt Oscar. I can't help what happened between me and Jamal, but at least there wasn't a third person involved," I defended myself through tears.

Driven by a mix of anger, frustration, and sorrow, I continued my assault on Cesar, repeatedly punching him in the face. "Stop, Lani!" Cesar screamed, and I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, lifting me off the ground. Despite my struggles, the grip was too tight to break free.

Oscar carried me inside, determined to ignore my attempts to wriggle away. He gently placed me on the couch, his gaze fixed on me. "I know you think I'm angry, but I just don't want you to get hurt. You're too precious for that," he spoke, taking a seat beside me.

"Look at me. You think I want this tear on my face? You think I want us to live out here where every time there's a hit, I'm scared they're gonna go for my babies?" Oscar wiped away my tears. "I never want you hurt, and Cesar is stupid for Olivia. But at the end of the day, it's not your business. Olivia's true colors will show," he continued, his gaze shifting out the window. "If I'm correct, I think you could pay Jamal a visit, bub. He deserves an explanation." I nodded, appreciating Oscar's straightforwardness and guidance.

Composing myself, I acknowledged the difficult subject. "But, bubs, I'll always love you, okay?" I leaned into his shoulder, and he kissed my temple. "24 hours, your brother can't even stay mad at you, making this cholo look weak." His attempt at lightening the mood brought a faint smile to my face amid the turmoil of emotions.

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