It's the police

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Lani pov

The revelation of Mariposa's pregnancy brought joy and anticipation to our lives. Oscar, especially, expressed his desire for a boy, and we shared the excitement of welcoming a new member into our family. However, amidst this happiness, the persistent threat from Olivia continued to cast a shadow over our lives.

One day, while having lunch with Mariposa, Olivia confronted us, pushing her around and instigating conflict. It was a clear sign that Olivia's malevolence extended beyond me and Oscar, reaching Mariposa as well. The thought of her targeting an expectant mother fueled my anger and determination to put an end to Olivia's reign of terror.As night fell and the streets emptied, I put my plan into action. Dressed in a hoodie, I approached Ruby's house, where Olivia was making a phone call on the front porch. The ominous words I overheard sent shivers down my spine – Olivia was plotting something sinister and was willing to take matters into her own hands.

Fueled by a mix of fear and resolve, I stealthily crept up behind her. The desperation in her voice, coupled with her admission of wanting us dead, triggered a surge of emotions. Without hesitation, I grabbed her, warning her to stay silent. The gun with a silencer became my tool of choice, a desperate attempt to protect my family from the imminent threat.As I pulled the trigger, Olivia fell to the ground, lifeless. The reality of what I had just done hit me like a tidal wave. The once clear plan had spiraled into chaos, and I found myself standing over a corpse, a perpetrator of violence.

Regret, guilt, and panic seized my thoughts as I dropped the gun, its clatter echoing through the night. The realization that I had taken a life – that I had become the very thing I abhorred – engulfed me. The weight of Olivia's death and the consequences that loomed ahead pressed heavily on my conscience. The street, once silent, now felt like a haunting witness to my transgressions. The dark path I had chosen stretched out before me, leading to an uncertain future. The lines between right and wrong blurred, and the choices I had made left an indelible mark on the lives of those I cared about.

As I stood there, grappling with the magnitude of my actions, I knew that I had irrevocably changed the course of our lives. The impending consequences of my impulsive decision would unfold, and the repercussions would ripple through the lives of Oscar, Mariposa, Cesar, and everyone I held dear. The darkness I had unleashed threatened to swallow us whole, leaving us to face the consequences of my irreversible and haunting mistake.

The weight of guilt and regret hung heavy in the air as I walked home, my tears blending with the crimson stains on my clothes. The porch light illuminated a reflection of myself, a disturbing image of someone I barely recognized – covered in blood, a stark reminder of the irreversible actions I had taken.

Hoping to slip inside unnoticed, I found Cesar awake, his shocked expression mirrored my own internal turmoil. His voice trembled as he questioned, "What'd you do, Lani?" I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. In a broken voice, I confessed, detailing the threat Olivia posed to the baby and Oscar's last chance. Unable to witness my family crumbling under the weight of a 15-year-old's malevolence, I took matters into my own hands.

I rushed to the bathroom, desperately attempting to wash away the guilt that clung to my skin. No amount of scrubbing could cleanse the stain on my conscience.Turning to Cesar for solace, we shared a moment of shared pain. His comforting words tried to reassure me, but the guilt still lingered. The knock on the door shattered the fragile calm we had managed to maintain.Opening the door, Cesar was met with the stern faces of the police. Panic set in as I whispered to Oscar, alerting him to the unwanted visitors. As the officers delivered the grim news – I was a suspect in Olivia's murder – Oscar's world crumbled. Tears streamed down his face as he vehemently protested the accusations, desperately seeking an explanation for what seemed like an unthinkable mistake.

The police, unswayed by emotional pleas, declared my arrest. Oscar's desperate offer of legal representation fell on deaf ears. Resigned to my fate, I nodded, understanding that the consequences of my actions were now inescapable. As I walked away with the police, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had traded one prison for another – the bars now invisible but no less confining. The truth of my actions, and the impending legal battle, awaited me, and I was left to confront the consequences of my desperate attempt to protect my family.

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