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Oscar pov

I froze in shock. I turned around to see Lani looking at me just as the doctor alerted me that she had woken up.

"Bub!" I exclaimed, a genuine smile lighting up my face as I rushed to hug her. She giggled, a welcome sound after the ordeal she had been through. "What happened?" she asked, still trying to make sense of the situation.

"You just got a bit stressed out," I replied, attempting to downplay the severity of what had occurred. She nodded, trusting my explanation. The nurse entered the room to conduct some checks, and I stepped out, intending to inform Cesar that Lani was awake.

As I walked through the hospital corridor, my joy was momentarily replaced with tension when I spotted Olivia talking to Jamal. The protective brother in me surfaced.

"She's awake, Cesar. Go see her," I urged him with a reassuring smile before turning my attention to Jamal. "Jamal, here, now," I called him over. Without wasting a moment, I grabbed his collar, pulling him close. "You better get that bitch out of here before I put a cap in your skull. This girl will not wake up to you and this drama. I'm being serious. I'm done trying to protect. It's either Lani or Olivia. Whatever Olivia has planned, I'll shoot her head off," I warned, the intensity in my voice leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Lani pov

I smiled at Cesar as he updated me on what was happening. "I missed you so much," I admitted, genuinely happy to be reunited with my brother. He returned the sentiment, "I missed you, Cesar," I said, grabbing his hand as a reassuring gesture.

"When can I go home?" I asked, eager to leave the hospital and return to some semblance of normalcy. Cesar shrugged, "No one knows the situation at the moment," he explained. I nodded in understanding, knowing that our lives had taken an unexpected turn.

A social worker approached us, and I agreed to have a conversation with her. As we spoke, she asked, "Do you want to go with your mother?" I shook my head firmly, expressing my reluctance. "Once I leave Oscar, then I'll become unsafe and won't have a family anymore," I explained, hoping to convey the gravity of my situation. The social worker seemed confused but nodded slowly before leaving. The uncertainty of my future lingered, and I couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to change once again.

Oscar pov

"Mr. and Ms. Diaz," the social worker addressed us, and we both stood up, anxious about the outcome. "I've come to the conclusion that Lani will need to stay with Oscar for a long time. Whether you would like some visiting rights, we can sort those out for you," she explained, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I smiled gratefully, understanding that Lani would be safe under our care.

I rushed over to Lani, a wide smile on my face. She looked at me with a hint of confusion. "We're staying together, bubs," I announced, and she hugged me. I squeezed her softly, thankful that we could keep our family together.

Walking over to Jamal, I placed a hand on his shoulder. "She's coming home with me," I informed him, a stern look on my face. "And when she does, you better fix your relationship before someone tries to claim my baby sister. You love her; it's time to get your act together," I urged, hoping he'd understand the gravity of the situation. He nodded, a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Jamal," Olivia complained, but I cut her off. "I know you don't love or even care about Jamal, but I hope you know that as soon as we're out, you're gonna be dead," I whispered threateningly close to her face. Jamal looked at her and made it clear, "I can't lose Lani. I'm sorry, Olivia, but we can't do this." She left in shock.

As I sat down, signing papers for Lani to facilitate our departure, it was just me and Cesar waiting. I sent everyone else home."Oscar," Mariposa came running over. I hugged her tight, kissing her forehead. "Hey, baby," I smiled, but her face told a different story—scared and nervous. I could feel her heartbeat.
"Oscar, I'm pregnant," Mariposa finally confessed, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions, from fear to excitement. My heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, the world around us seemed to fade away.

Pregnant. The word echoed in my mind, bringing a rush of emotions. I held her at arm's length, looking into her eyes to find confirmation. "Are you sure?" I asked softly, my mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts.

She nodded, a smile playing on her lips, but her eyes betrayed a hint of uncertainty. "I took the test this morning, and it's positive. Oscar, I'm going to have your baby," she said, her voice a mix of joy and trepidation.

A surge of happiness and pride welled up inside me, overshadowing any other emotion. I pulled her into a tight embrace, my lips finding hers in a passionate kiss. "Mariposa, this is amazing news," I whispered against her lips. "I love you, and I can't wait to start this journey together."

As we embraced, a million thoughts raced through my mind – the responsibilities, the joy of becoming a father, and the overwhelming love for the woman in my arms. Mariposa pulled back, a sparkle in her eyes, "I was scared to tell you, but I knew you had to know."

I chuckled, "Scared or not, this is the best news. We'll face this together, just like everything else." I gently placed my hand on her stomach, realizing the life growing inside. "Our family is getting bigger."

Mariposa beamed, her worries dissipating with the assurance. We sat there, hand in hand, imagining the future, a future that was about to become even more beautiful with the arrival of our child. The challenges ahead seemed insignificant compared to the love and joy that awaited us.

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