Mother oh Mother

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I woke up to a persistent banging on the door. Groggily, I made my way to answer it, only to be met with the stern gaze of a middle-aged lady. "Can I help you?" I inquired, slightly puzzled. She responded with a fake smile, "I'm here to see Oscar Diaz." I nodded, realizing she must be looking for my brother.

Calling out for Oscar, he emerged from the room shirtless, his face shifting from confusion to shock as he laid eyes on the unexpected visitor. "Lani, get back to your room," he instructed, urgency in his voice. Curiosity getting the better of me, I lingered by the door, eavesdropping on their conversation. "What are you doing here?" I heard Oscar snap, his tone filled with a mixture of surprise and concern.

Oscar pov

The woman's eyes shifted towards me, and I felt a surge of disgust at acknowledging her as my mother. "Oscar, I wanna see you and Cesar—my two kids," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. My anger grew, and I couldn't help but confront her. "Do you even know who answered the door?" I questioned, my tone sharp. She shook her head, and I couldn't hold back the next words. "I just assumed it was one of Cesar's... acquaintances," she said dismissively, using a derogatory term that made my blood boil.

"Do you even comprehend the damage you've done? The havoc you've wreaked on their lives?" I continued, my voice rising with each word. "You abandoned them when they needed you the most. You were too busy drowning in your own vices to see the pain etched in their eyes. Lani, just a little girl, yearning for a mother's love, left to fend for herself. Cesar, struggling to navigate the tumultuous world of the Santos without a stable family foundation."

The woman's eyes widened, a flicker of realization crossing her face. Anger surged through me as I recounted the years of hardship they endured. "You were too high on crack to notice, too wrapped up in your own self-destruction to comprehend the responsibility of parenthood. Lani grew up without a mother, without your guidance. But she wasn't alone; Sad Eyes and I stepped in to fill the void you left. We became her parents, supporting her, caring for her, even when I was behind bars."

I stepped closer, my words laced with bitterness. "You've been absent from their lives, blissfully ignorant of the struggles they faced. And now, after all these years, you waltz in here, expecting to be welcomed back into their lives. Do you think you can just stroll back in and claim the title of a mother? You lost that privilege a long time ago."

She remained silent, unable to formulate a response. The weight of her negligence hung heavy in the air. "I won't let you disrupt their lives again," I declared, my tone resolute. "If you truly cared, you would've been here for them when they needed you. But you chose your addiction over your own children. They don't need you now, and they certainly won't let you waltz back in as if nothing happened."

The woman stood there, desperation etched across her face. "Oscar, can't you just forgive me, please?" she pleaded, her voice tinged with false sincerity.

I couldn't contain my laughter, a bitter and scornful sound. "Bitch, are you serious? You don't even know your own family, and you sure as hell don't know me," I retorted, my anger bubbling to the surface. "You better understand that I don't want anything to do with you," I yelled, my words punctuated by the slam of the door.

I reopened it just slightly, delivering a final blow. "And don't get it twisted; you're not welcome on my block," I added before sealing the door shut, leaving her standing alone with the weight of her past mistakes.

Lani pov

I emerged from my room to find Oscar sitting on the couch, his head buried in his hands. "Ossie," I whispered, making my way over to sit beside him. He looked up, and I could see the turmoil in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he croaked out, and I could feel the weight of his emotions. His admission struck a chord, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for him.

"You don't have to apologize, Os," I said softly, my heart aching for the pain he had endured.He took a deep breath, seemingly ready to open up about a part of his past that he rarely discussed. "Lani, you don't understand. Growing up without a mother who cared, who was always lost in her own demons... it messed me up, you know?" His voice quivered with vulnerability, and I felt a surge of empathy.

"I had to fend for us, the two of us, against the world," he continued, his eyes reflecting the scars of a tumultuous upbringing. "Seeing her on drugs, not even recognizing her own kids... it tears you apart, Lani. I had no one to turn to, no one to rely on. And now, seeing her waltz back in like nothing happened, it's reopening wounds I thought had healed."

His admission hung heavy in the air, the weight of years of pain and abandonment bearing down on him. As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes, streaming down his face like a river of unresolved grief. I could feel the depth of his sorrow, and my heart ached in response."You've been my anchor, Lani," he whispered, his voice breaking. "But sometimes, the scars run too deep, and I can't help but confront the ghosts of our past."

In that moment, I wrapped my arms around him, offering silent solace. The TV buzzed softly in the background, a mere backdrop to the unspoken emotions that bound us together in our shared journey of healing and survival.

Oscar was holding a another party and before I knew it everyone was here, I sat next to cesar as we laughed before Olivia called him "you know Oscar will kick her out, he hates her guts" he laughed "apparently she bought company he shrugged.

Amidst the chaos of the party, Olivia's malicious plan continued to unfold. As she entered the room with a smug expression, her eyes locked onto mine. A guy trailed behind her, a smirk playing on his lips as if he had a secret to share. "Heramosa, remember me?" he chuckled, attempting to embrace me.

Cesar swiftly intervened, pushing the guy away with a stern warning. "Bro, get away from my sister."

The laughter of the unwelcome guest faded as he retreated, but Olivia's satisfaction remained evident. Frustration boiled within me, and I couldn't hold back the sharp words. "Olivia, what the hell are you doing?" She simply laughed, reveling in the chaos she was causing. "It's what you deserve."

Before I could respond, a voice cut through the tension. "She doesn't deserve anything, especially from a girl like you."I looked up to see Sad Eyes' sister, Mariposa, approaching with a fierce determination. Her presence offered a sense of comfort and protection. I embraced Mariposa, grateful for her support amidst the turmoil Olivia was creating.

"Run along, bitch," Mariposa snapped at Olivia, drawing a clear line. She then turned to me, offering a reassuring nod. In that moment, Mariposa's protective stance provided a glimmer of strength against Olivia's calculated attempts to disrupt the night.

Mariposa's arrival brought a wave of comfort and joy. Her long, brown hair framed her face beautifully, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. As she approached, she greeted me with a warm smile and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I thought you'd miss me," she teased affectionately. I chuckled in response. "Where's that brother of yours?" I smirked playfully, "Hurry up and date him, Mariposa." She shoved me in a lighthearted manner."Well, well, well, who's this pretty lady?" Benito's voice interrupted our moment. I glanced up to see him, and Mariposa's protective instincts kicked in. "You better not be talking to Lani," Mariposa snapped at him. 

Benito laughed dismissively, "You can both be girls; it's okay." As he moved closer, I felt a twinge of discomfort, but Mariposa quickly seized my hand, a silent declaration of solidarity. In that moment, her presence was a shield against any unwanted advances, and I was grateful for her unwavering protection.

"I don't know why you keep coming back, but you should know better than to come at my girls," Oscar's voice cut through the air. Benito turned pale, fear etched across his face as Oscar confronted him, pointing a gun.

"Get the fuck off my turf and away from my girls, fool," Oscar's stern warning echoed. In an instant, Benito sprinted away, his hasty retreat a clear response to Oscar's uncompromising stance.

Oscar's protective nature was evident, and his swift action ensured that our space remained safe and secure. As he holstered the gun, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and admiration for my brother, the unwavering guardian of our family.

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