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Lani's Pov:Jamal and I had grown incredibly close, sharing moments that felt significant, but we hadn't quite crossed the line to official couple status. While I remained loyal, eagerly awaiting a sign from him, the uncertainty lingered.

One morning, I decided to spice up the routine by asking Oscar for a ride to school. Playfully dangling the car keys in front of his face, I couldn't help but tease him. "Oz, can you take me to school?" He groaned good-naturedly before swiping the keys from my hand. "Cesar, let's go," he called out, and we all hopped into the car, ready for another day.

Cesar, ever the mischievous one, couldn't resist poking fun at our undefined relationship. "When's Jamal gonna ask you out officially?" he teased. My face flushed, and the guys erupted in laughter. Groaning, I put on my headphones, drowning out their banter.

Once at school, the routine seemed disrupted by a girl handing out flyers announcing the upcoming homecoming. I took a flyer, thanked her, and stashed it in my bag. Walking through the corridors, I overheard some girls making snide remarks about gang affiliations. Ignoring their comments, I pressed on. Reaching my locker, I was greeted by Jamal's familiar smile. However, the morning took an unexpected turn when another girl boldly asked him to prom right in front of me. My eyes widened, not sure how to react. Jamal, ever the gentleman, let her down gently, claiming he already had a date.

Ignoring the slight sting of hurt, I opened my locker, hoping Jamal would explain. "Hey babe," he said, kissing my cheek. Unable to contain my curiosity, I blurted out, "Who's taking you to prom?" Jamal burst into laughter, "Girl, do you really think I'd let anyone else but you take me to prom? Oh, you're something else." His laughter continued, and I couldn't help but blush. Playfully, I punched him, and between giggles, I managed to say, "You're the best," giving him a quick peck on the lips.As the day unfolded, the lingering uncertainty about our relationship seemed to melt away, replaced by the reassurance that, no matter what, Jamal and I shared something special.

Monse pulled me off, urgency in her voice as she ushered me to class. "Is my brother taking you to prom?" she asked, a laughter escaping her lips. Confused by her laughter, I wondered what had happened between her and Cesar. "We decided to take a break, considering everything that's been happening," she explained, pulling me closer. My confusion deepened, and I probed, "What's been happening?" Her revelation left me in shock. "A prophet put a green light on me, so Cesar and I decided to take a break for my safety," she whispered.

Cesar never informed me or Oscar about the threat. My anger bubbled up, and I couldn't wait until lunch. I dialed Oscar repeatedly, the calls going unanswered. Something felt off.Calling Sad Eyes for answers, I vented my frustration. "Where the fuck is my brother, and why isn't he answering the phone?" I demanded. He was clueless and concerned. "I don't know, Lani. What's wrong?" Fuming, I instructed him to pick me up immediately.In the impala, I demanded to be taken home. The slamming of doors echoed my frustration. Bursting into Oscar's room, I was met with a sight that crushed me – another girl on top of him, and it wasn't Mariposa.

I slammed the door and left, Oscar trailing behind, desperately calling my name. My emotions overflowed as I confronted him, tears streaming down my face. "What, Spooky? What do you want?" I spat, using the nickname he loathed.

"I wasn't meant to see that. I wasn't meant to see you fooling around with another girl," I accused him, my anger surging. "Check your fucking phone. What if something was wrong? You said you'd always be there on the first call. Well, guess what? Your ass wasn't even able to answer the phone. You're fucking disgusting. Maybe if you kept your fucking dick in your pants, this wouldn't happen," I screamed, hurt and anger blending in my voice.

Oscar, shocked and hurt, retaliated, screaming back. "Things change, Lani. Maybe when you weren't here, shit went down – fucked up shit, shit that'll fuck me up for life. You don't realize that, do you? Not everything is about you," he spat.

The truth cut deep as he continued, "Guzman isn't my fucking son. She cheated on me with a prophet. We're done, so I'm just playing around. I don't expect you to barge in on me and shit." His words left me devastated, tears pouring down my cheeks uncontrollably.

But I had one more revelation that would shake him to his core. "Oh yeah? Well, I fucking needed you. Your ass couldn't answer the fucking phone. Did you know that your own brother got a green light – him and his girlfriend, my best friend? Too busy fucking all these whores, you'd never know," I spat bitterly as I walked into my room, packing a bag.

Oscar, shocked by my revelation, demanded, "You better be joking, fool." I laughed bitterly, shaking my head. "You wish. Now move out of my way," I declared, walking out of the front door. All the Santos watched, shocked by the unraveling family drama.

"Staying somewhere else for now, till the Oscar who would drop anything to protect Cesar and me is back. But no, Spooky is back – the Spooky that no one wants," I spat at him, the pain in my heart mirroring the chaos in my life.

Oscar's tear-stained face pleaded with me to stay, his voice cracked with apologies and regret. "I'm sorry, Lani. Please don't go," he begged, reaching out to me. The raw emotions in the air couldn't erase the profound hurt and betrayal I felt. My heart ached, torn between the love I once had for him and the pain he had caused.

"Oscar, you didn't even know about your own fucking brother, yet failed to answer the phone when I was scared to death about losing my brother and my best friend," I stated, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and sorrow. "I just need some space," I declared, pushing past him and leaving behind the shattered fragments of a once-unbreakable bond.

I knocked on Jamal's door, my face mirroring the emotional storm within me. He opened the door, genuine concern etched across his features. "Lani, are you okay? You weren't at school. What's wrong? Why do you have a bag?" Without uttering a word, I rushed into his comforting embrace, releasing the pent-up emotions that threatened to suffocate me. He held me with a tenderness that felt like a lifeline.

"Do you need to stay here for the night?" Jamal asked, looking at my bags. I nodded, unable to find the right words to express the turmoil within me. He gently picked up my bags, and together, we retreated to the refuge of his room.

I settled into Jamal's bed, seeking refuge from the chaos that had unfolded. "Jamal," I called before he could leave. He turned around, a soft smile on his face, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. "Can you lie with me?" I asked, my voice a mere whisper. He nodded, his presence a soothing balm for my wounded soul.

As I closed my eyes, seeking solace in the comforting darkness, Jamal whispered words that resonated in the quiet room. "I love you, Lani Diaz," he murmured, his voice carrying the weight of empathy and compassion, weaving a fragile thread of healing through the shattered pieces of my heart.

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