New Girl

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Lani's  pov

Ruby had announced that his cousin, Olivia, would be joining the squad. I had no problem with it, as long as she didn't annoy me or get too close to people I'd prefer her not to be around.As we walked down the road to Ruby's house, I saw Monse heading there too. She waved at me, but that girl needed to get her priorities straight. We both arrived at Ruby's door, and before we could even knock, the door swung open. "Monse, thank God you're here," Ruby exclaimed. He looked at me, shocked. "Oh." Monse elbowed his side, "The room decorating will be postponed, it looks like." I rolled my eyes, knowing they were scheming behind my back.

"Hi, I'm Olivia." A girl came up to me, smiling as she put her hands in her pockets. She seemed nervous around me. "Lani." I stuck my hand out, "Just don't get on my bad side, and we're good." She nodded nervously at my threat.

"I just don't understand why she has to be here. We need to get Cesar out of the gang," Monse ranted as she walked through the door. My head spun around with my fist clenched. "What'd you just say?" Monse paused, "Cesar doesn't want the gang life, but we wouldn't know with you. You seem to enjoy hanging with those kinds of people." I stepped back, stunned. "Those kinds of people have had your back since we met you," looking up at her, "And you know well that none of us can get out of this life. But, to be honest, my family has more love and care about me than you ever will." I turned around, slamming the door on the way out.

I walked into the driveway to see everyone on the couch. I saw Cesar sitting there. "Inside now. We're talking, and I'm not playing around." Cesar jumped up, and I walked in after him. I pushed his chest as soon as we got inside. "Do you realize how hard everyone worked to get us where we are, huh? What for? You backchat to Monse about your life and let her drop comments all the time just so you can have your perfect little relationship." I pushed him back further so he was near the wall. "Oscar cares so much for you. You can't even take it into appreciation for a second." I screamed.

"I'm sorry, okay? You can't blame me. I've always been after Mom's side, you know that. I was never like you and Oscar. This life scared me, and I will never be like them." I rolled my eyes, walking away. He tried to follow me, and I turned around. "Just because you don't want to be one of them doesn't mean you have to judge them because, at the end of the day, you are them."

"What were you two arguing about?" Gustavo questioned, leaning on my door. "Not that it's any of your business, but sometimes people need to learn who's gonna have their back at the end of the day." He nodded, agreeing with what I had just mentioned. "I get it. I know your brother works hard; he always has. He's only trying to get you a better future." I smiled. "Let's go; Oscar's waiting in the car."

I arrived at school to see Monse and Cesar walking together. I rolled my eyes as Jamal came to my side. "Hey, babe," I smiled. He stepped further away, "Listen, I don't wanna be killed right now. I am in the depth of finding the roller-world money." I giggled, "It's my family's money anyway." I skipped forward, leaving him shocked. "Olivia," I smiled, catching up. She smiled, but it didn't seem like she wanted to talk. "Everything okay?" She nodded, "I have to go, but I'll see you at lunch, Lani." I smiled, waving goodbye. "Well, that was weird." I jumped at the sudden sound of Jasmine next to me, "Girl, you know she wants to get it on with Cesar; who knew your brother was that popular." I shuddered at the thought of Cesar. "That's gross, Jasmine." She rolled her eyes at my response. "What, Lani? You know they wanna get up in there," she says as she rubs her hands across her body, walking away. "What'd she want?" I jumped at Ruby's sudden voice now. "Why does everyone keep scaring me?" He shrugged. "Is it true?" I asked, looking over at Olivia and Cesar talking. Ruby looked down sadly, and I didn't even need to hear his answer; I knew straight away.

I sat down for lunch as Ruby and Jamal came and sat down, Jamal slowly putting his hand on my thigh. I smiled. "Hey, boys, how's everyone's day been so far?" A tray slammed on the table, making us jump. "Was gonna say good, but looks like it's about to change," Ruby whispered to himself. I smirked at the comment, looking up at Olivia, Monse, and Cesar. "I've had the worst day, guys. Everything is so hard to find." I rolled my eyes, "Don't remember asking." Cesar kicked my leg under the table. "What's your problem today?" Monse snaps at me, everyone goes quiet. "Yeah, I agree, neither of us has done anything." Olivia pitches in. I laugh at the comment. "Well, word of advice, don't try to get with my brother in front of me, especially with two bitches I can't stand." I snapped.

The tension in the air was palpable, and the cafeteria seemed to hush as Monse and Olivia exchanged smirks, ready to unleash whatever they had planned next.

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