Drowing in sorrow

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The days that followed Jamal's revelation were filled with a heavy silence that loomed over our household. I couldn't bring myself to face him, the hurt still too fresh and the embarrassment too raw. It felt like the entire world had crumbled around me, leaving me lost and vulnerable.Mariposa noticed the change in me, her perceptive eyes catching the traces of tears that I tried so hard to hide. She confronted Oscar, questioning him about my sudden reluctance to go to school. Oscar, unaware of the real reason, simply shrugged it off, attributing it to a case of the flu.

But in the privacy of our shared space, Mariposa couldn't be fooled. She found me sobbing, unraveling in the aftermath of Jamal's unexpected confession. She understood heartbreak too well, having experienced it with Oscar, and she sat beside me, offering a comforting presence.

"What'd he do?" Mariposa whispered, her voice soft and understanding. I shook my head, not ready to share the painful truth. "Nothing," I replied, a feeble attempt to protect Jamal from the storm that was brewing inside me. Mariposa chuckled, recognizing the familiar pattern of tears shed over Oscar. She sat down beside me, a supportive presence in my time of need. As I leaned on her shoulder, she pressed me gently to reveal the source of my anguish."He's with Olivia now," I confessed through tears, the words tasting bitter and leaving a trail of heartache. Mariposa's eyes widened in shock, a fiery anger building within her. She knew the depth of Jamal's betrayal, and the protective sister in her rose to the surface. "That boy deserves to get his ass beaten," she declared vehemently, ready to unleash the wrath of a sister scorned. 

Whether it was her or Oscar, Jamal was bound to face consequences for hurting me.

"He started to like Jamal, and now there's no chance," I continued, pouring my heart out. "You can't tell him, please don't." It hurt to lie to Oscar, but my sister's protection mattered more to me than the truth. Mariposa nodded in agreement, understanding the need to shield me from any more pain.

Lani pov

As the days passed, I found myself glued to my phone, desperately hoping for a text from Jamal or anyone who could offer solace in the midst of my heartache. The thought of facing them as a couple was too much to bear, paralyzing me with fear and humiliation.

A knock on the door interrupted my solitude. Opening it, I was met by Ruby, a friend who had tried to warn me about Jamal's feelings for Olivia. "I tried to tell you, Lani. I'm so sorry," he apologized. I managed a smile, accepting the inevitability of the situation. "It was meant to happen, I guess," I replied, finding a sense of resignation.

Ruby suggested going to school together, just the two of us. The idea of a supportive friend by my side felt comforting, so I agreed. We linked arms, bantering and sharing jokes, and I couldn't help but appreciate the genuine friendship Ruby offered. Upon reaching school, Monse greeted me with a warm smile, embracing me for a long moment. "Look who finally decided to come," she teased. I returned her smile, silently conveying that it was indeed time to face the world again. Monse nodded in understanding, a silent agreement between friends who had each other's backs.

The hallways of the school were buzzing with activity as I made my way to my locker. Suddenly, I felt a sharp slap on my backside, and I turned around in shock to find a cocky football player smirking at me. "Damn, everyone was right; you are curvy in all the right places," he commented with a suggestive tone. I was left speechless, unable to respond to the audacity of his actions. "See you around, sweetcheeks," he added, slapping my bum one more time before sauntering away.

As I tried to process what just happened, Olivia appeared with a smirk on her face. "See what happens when you try to mess with what I want?" she taunted. Her laughter echoed in the hallway as she continued, "I'm gonna make your life a living hell. You watch me." I scoffed at her threats, "No one will let you." But Olivia, undeterred, confidently declared, "I don't need no prophets, and you're nothing without the Santos. So, watch me, Lani. Watch me, because you're gonna wish you never touched me." With that, she forcefully bumped into me and walked away.

Ruby noticed my distress and rushed over, asking, "What happened?" I shook my head, forcing a fake smile. "Nothing," I replied, not wanting to burden him with the details. "I gotta run to class, but I'll meet you later, Ruby." I turned away, feeling a deep sense of embarrassment. Olivia's words lingered in my mind, making me realize how vulnerable I was without the Santos, and the impending threat she posed weighed heavily on me.

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