Off with her head

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The next day, Rose was in front of a cross way full of confusing signs. 

"How the fuck am I supposed to know where I should go?

"Maybe you should go to where you had never been!" 

"You again?" 

"Such a wild beast you were last night with Alice." The Cheshire cat mumbled and played with her tail. 

"So what?"

"Just choose the road you never seen before."

"So I should go to a psychiatrist?"

"No, darling. You should go on that way." The Cat pointed a certain direction and disappeared. 

Rose went onto that road and after a while she found herself in front of a house full of weird things. Servants with fish heads. A woman who was putting so much pepper that she and her child was sneezing a lot. She looked a little bit at the kid and said:

"This is the ugliest kid I've ever seen."

"Shush, my dear." She said and added more pepper. She sneezed again and went back to the baby who was sneezing too. 

"Don't you think you put too much pepper?"

The woman looks at Rose and adds another dose of pepper.

"No honey. That's not even pepper."

Rose tried to calm down seeing how the woman kept adding pepper from 2 to 2 minutes. In the end she had taken the pepper vessel and thrown it over the window. The woman looked surprised into her eyes and somehow out of nowhere she took another vessel and added even more pepper. Now the room was full of people who were sneezing. Rose asked her to allow her to hold the baby a little bit until she gets another vessel. The woman passes the baby, but Rose all of a sudden is sneezing and the baby falls out into the pot of boiled water full of pepper. The screaming was similar to a pig and behind all those blankets she notices that this woman was raising all this time a pig. 

"No wonder they say don't grow that pig" Rose said and went outside. 

In front of the house the guards were waiting for her while the queen was screaming at her "Off with her head!"

Rose got close to her and slapped her so hard that she went quiet. 

"Shut the fuck up, you're already annoying me!"

The guards surrounded her and took her in arrest.

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