Chapter 33

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Me: Here we are babe!
Y/N: Yeah.
Me: May I have your hand?
Y/N: Sure!

She gave me her hand and I held it. We walked in the restaurant and we saw our friends waiting for us.

Liv: Y/N!

They hugged each other. I smiled as I looked at Y/N's face. I love seeing her happy!

Y/N: Happy birthday bestie!
Liv: Thanks bestie! C'mon! Sit with us!
Me: Happy birthday Liv!
Liv: Thanks Matt!

I sat between Justin and Y/n. Dream seat!

Justin: Hey bro!
Me: Sup Justin?
Justin: Good man, you?
Me: Same stuff.
Justin: Good good. How's the things with Y/n?
Me: Perfect! Our relationship is perfect! We both love each other and yeah.
Justin: I'm so happy for my best friend!
Me: Thanks JB!

Your POV

Liv: So, how's your relationship with Matt?
Ivey: Yeah, how's it?
You: Honestly, if I ever break up with him, imma be so mad at myself. For real.
Liv: Awe! Cuties!
Ivey: I love your relationship!
You: Thanks guys! I love you all!
Matt: Hey! What about me?
You: You're not my friend! You're my boyfriend! And you know how much I love you!

He smiled and he kissed my cheek. Then, the food came and we started eating.

Matt: Do you like the food?

Matt whispered to me.

You: Kinda. What about you?
Matt: Same here. Is that chicken in your plate?
You: I don't know what's that.
Matt: Oh then don't eat it.
You: But I'm hungryyyyyy!
Matt: Fine! Do whatever you want! But if you start feeling nauseous, tell me to call my father okay?
You: Okay!
Matt: I love you!
You: I love you too!

We continued eating. One hour later, we finished our dinner.

Liv: Hey Y/n, wanna go for a walk?
You: Ask my man!
Liv: Okay. Hey Matt, can I steal her for a bit?
Matt: Sure! But where're you going?
Liv: Just for a walk.
Matt: Fine! Please take care of her!
Liv: We will.
You: Thanks Matt!
Matt: Call me when you want me to pick you up okay?
You: Okay baby! I'll be right back!

I gave him a peck on his lips and I left with Liv.

You: So, where are we going?
Liv: My place!
Ivey: Yay! We're gonna have some fun! By the way, my boyfriend will come too.
Liv: Really Ivey? I told you not to bring your boyfriend here!
Ivey: I don't wanna Chris stay home alone tonight!
You: That's why Matt and Justin exist Ivey!

I rolled my eyes.

Ivey: Yeah, but I need him with me.

She smiled and I rolled my eyes once again.

You: Then, I should invite Matt.
Liv: No please!
You: Okay then. 

Matt's POV

Justin: And I punched him because he stole my candies.
Hudson: Wow!
Jack: Savage JB!
Justin: Yeah!
Hudson: Haha!
Justin: Yo Matt, are you okay?
Me: Yeah, it's just... Y/n hasn't texted me yet.
Hudson: Do you wanna leave us?
Me: No, but it's midnight and she always texts me that time.
Jack: Relax dude!
Justin: Yeah, she's fine Matt! Chill!
Me: Okay then. I hope she's having f-

My phone started ringing.

Me: Weird!
Justin: What?
Me: It's Liv.
Hudson: Oh, pick it up!

I picked it up.

Me: Hey Liv! Is everything okay?
Liv: No... I mean yes... I mean no! No it's not.

Her voice cracked.

Me: What happened Liv?
Liv: M-Matt... Y/n...

She started crying.

Me: Y/n what Liv?

She didn't say anything. I starting feeling so worried!

Me: Tell me Liv!
Liv: She..  She...
Me: She what?
Liv: She faded and fall from my balcony.
Me: WHAT?!

I froze and my phone fell down. My whole world stopped as I heard those words.

Justin: Matt? Matt? MATT!
Me: I have to go.
Hudson: Where're you going?
Me: I just wanna go.

I started running out of the restaurant, being so shocked. I couldn't believe what Liv just told me. I ran as fast as I could. I arrived outside Liv's house and I saw my girlfriend's body on the ground.

Me: Y/N!

I yelled as tears started coming out of my eyes. I took off my dress shirt and I put her in my hug. Fortunately, Liv lives in second floor which is not that high from the ground to die.

Me: Babe, please! Talk to me! Y/N!

My white tuxedo was now painted by her own blood.


I yelled to Liv who was just starring at us being shocked.

Me: Babe, you'll be fine! Just please don't leave me! I love you! You're strong! Please wake up!

I said still crying. I kissed her forehead. She was still warm. That was a good sign. A couple of minutes later, the ambulance arrived.  They took her to the hospital. I called her parents and we went to the hospital. I couldn't believe what just happened. I saw my love in a bloody lake with her eyes closed.

She will be fine Matt! Just pray for her and God will help her!

(Oh fuck! Dammit!)

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