Chapter #28

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~Two years later~

It has been two years of me living in Ireland. I had gotten a job there and I just stayed with my mom at her house. I didn't want to go back to America but I decided it was time to go home. My brothers were dropping me off at the airport. We had gotten to my gate. I turned around and sadly smiled at them. They sadly smiled back. Vick was full on crying, while Jason was trying to keep it together. I, myself, was tearing up.

"Do you really need to go?" Vick asked with a voice crack.

"Yes, I have been here for two years, Vick. It's time for me to go home." I said.

"This could be your home. Just move here." He said grabbing me and tightly hugging me. I hugged back as hard as I could. Not wanting to let him go again, afraid I would lose him again.

"Its not that easy. I have to go back home, Vick, But you can always come see me. Anytime." I say.

"I'll take you up on that." Vick say stepping back a bit.

"I will too." Jason said walking up and taking me in his arms.

"You better." I said choking back the tears.

"Dont go soft on me, Nanc. I cant have you crying or else I will." He said voice craking. I laughed a bit.

"Last call for flight 405 to LA, California." A womens voice came over the intercome. I let go of Jason.

"Come visit me." I said walking backwards to the plane pointing my finger at them.

"We will." Vick said. "I love you, Nanc." I smiled at him.

"I love you too, kid."

"I love ya, lil sis." Jason said.

"Love ya too big bro." I said.

"Ma'am, if you are boarding the plane you need to hurry up, please." The lady said.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." I said turning around and getting on the plane. Once I got on I took my seat next to a couple. They smiled at me as I sat down. We soon got into the air and I got tired and fell asleep.

~A few hours later~

"Okay everyone. We are now landing in LA. The weather is currently 83 degrees and the time is 2:30 pm. I hoped you enjoyed your flight with us and please choose Delta for all your other airfairs." I woke up to the voice over the intercome. I stretched and braced for impact. We soon landed and we all got off the plane. I called an uber and went to my house. When I got out I looked at my house. It was weird to be back. I havent been here in years. I walk up to the door and unlock it. I walk inside and the house feels familiar but not. I had been living here for a few months before I went to Ireland so I was use to it but now it felt weird to be alone. When I was living in Ireland I had my mom and brothers, and when I was living here before I had Co-. I stopped myself there. I havent said his name in years. I'm not starting again now. I do miss them though. Maybe I should visit them and see how they are. Later, maybe. Right now I need to unpack and do stuff to straighten up.

~One hour later~

I had unpacked and cleaned. I was really bored so I decided it would be best to go and say hi to the boys. So I got in my car and drove to the house. On the drive there it was really weird to see everything again. Once I got there the house looked the same. I smiled to myself a little. I opened the gate and parked inside. I got out and went up to the door. I went to just walk in but I stopped myself and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a man that I didnt know.

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