Chapter 2

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Note: This contains characters and themes in a soon up coming book labeled Superpowers Are Overrated.

I moved everything into my new room and then me and Hailey played some video games because she brought her x-box. While we were playing minecraft the loud speaker announces a building A meeting in its dining hall.

"Well we best be going." Hailey says turning off the Xbox.

As we walk to the dining hall, some guy walks by. "He's cute." Hailey comments.

McKenna mentally face palms.

"Ixna on the uteca." he says.

"Why do you say that hot stuff?" She asks him.

A girl his age comes along. "Sup." she says.

"Hey babe." He says.

"Oh." Hailey says suddenly getting it. "Did you know he had a girl friend?"

I nod "Did your parents tell you anything about shield?"

"Nope, now let's get to that thing." she says.

Once we get there we sit down and wait for the meeting to begin.


After about 5 min of waiting, the same girl from earlier comes out on the stage. "What is she doing up there?" Hailey asks, clearly jealous.

I roll my eyes at her then listen to what the girl has to say.

"My name is Lily Robins and here are the other people in my team." she points at the fit from before "Tyler Quinn," then she points to a blonde" Jill Rodrickson," another blonde " Natalie Benson, " then to a tall brunette. "and Mackenzie Carlatile. We are the student teachers of this building. Come to us if you need tutoring." Lily said.

"Ugh. Who would want her to be their tutor?" Hailey commented, still clearly jealous.

"She can't help it that she's dating a guy you like. I'm sure she's really nice." I say.

She looks away. I giggle inside. She turns back to the stage to find they all are going off into their separate ways. Lily coming towards me. "I'm soooooooooooooo sorry if you heard what my friend was saying, she didn't mean it." I try to cover for Hailey.

"I don't know or care what your friend said. This is about you. Your mom wants me to tutor you." Lily says.

I gulp "Really? Well... why?"

"I don't know but she's a cool teacher and I heard that you need help controlling your powers." she says like a teacher would.

"Really? Last time I heard about you they mentioned you don't have powers." I say matter-of-factly.

"Well I don't have visible powers but no ones powers work on me. So I can watch you while time is frozen." she says calmly.

I think about it for a few seconds then day "Alright."

"Good. Are you after school in your dorm. I heard you have video games." she smiles then walks away.

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