Chapter 5: Chagrin- Kingdom of Wrath

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I turn all the lights off and close the curtains, sleeping in the darkness. The shadows are my friends and the horrors of the night my entertainment. I close my eyes and the silhouettes cuddle me as I fall into a deep sleep.

I watch as the clock ticks, my eyes constantly flickering between the clock and my backpack. I woke up at 6:00 this morning and my mother leaves at 7:00. An hour...

I wait before hearing my mums alarm echo, then shuffling before I hear her door open. The sound of footseps grow louder as she nears my bedroom and I fall back down, pretending to be asleep. The door creaks open and my breath hitches as I keep my eyes shut, despite me desperation to open them.
"I love you my gorgeous Adeline. Have fun on your trip." And she leaves. A small tear slips from my eye but I harshly wipe it away. I'm not dying and neither is she. I'll be coming back and everything will be fine.

Half an hour later, the front door slams shuts implying my mum has left. I jump out of bed and go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and splashing cooling water at my face. I stare up in the mirror and look deep into my worried hazel eyes as the small droplets run down. 'You'll be fine'.

I retreat back to my bedroom and change into a black tank top, ripped jeans and my leather jacket. Boots cover my feet and I brush my hair letting it fall into its natural waves. I yank my bag off the floor and rush downstairs, tucking the map of Therondia in my pocket.

I take deep breaths, my eyes closing each time and opening. My mouth opens and the chant escapes:

''Kingdoms that have risen,
Turned to a prison,
They're trapped in chains
I must go to the place they call
The Kingdom of flames."

An unfamilar feeling washes over me like a wave and I open my closed eyes to see a purple portal circling infront of me. I gasp at the sight, my mind racing with confusing thoughts and questions with much needed answers. I outstretch my hand and touch the tip of the portal. The limb slowly starts fading away and I pull back, scared but shockingly amazed.
"C'mon Addy. You can do this." I say to myself before mentally counting down from 3. I hit 1 and swiftly step into the portal, darkness surrounding me. I see nothing and panick airses in my body.

Before I know it, I land somewhere, my cheek tickled by the luscious green grass. I push myself off the vivid ground and bend down, picking up my fallen bag. My fingertips brush the vibrant leaves and suddenly they turn crisp, falling into ashes. I scurry back as the whole ground, air, sky and enviroment slowly turns to smoke and ash. Its suddenly replaced with what could only be described as the truth.

I see enormous, ancient stone walls bordering the Kingdom, black, rustic metal digging into the wall and the ground. I look through the gates, watching the people walk, their gazes firm. They all hold furious expressions like they want to hurt someome, moreover, kill them.

This is defintely Chagrin- the Kingdom of Wrath.

The sky is forbidding, opaque clouds blanketing the sky. The people of Chagrin live in aphotic but the sun is not hidden no, it just simply doesn't exist, instead replaced with this rayless and formidible azure.

I near the gates and they open at my closeness. I hesitate, before taking my first step in. Everyone seems unfazed by my prescense, so I continue, pulling out my map and examining it. I follow the route to where Aunt Rosels exact location is and finally I make my way there.

Its a derelict looking building, windows shattered and pieces of wood torn from it like a puzzle that doesn't have all the pieces. The flames from hell appear on the sides of it. It seems completely empty and concealed from everyone and everything else.

It looks like it could break at any given minute... a bit like me at this point. I wait outside, looking around to see if I could spot my Aunt, yet I couldn't spot her anywhere. I begin losing hope and in defeat, my head falls low.


Chapter 5 and she's in Chagrin. For those who dont remeber this is the Kingdom of Wrath, run and ruled by the eldest daughter- Acacia. I hope you liked the description and If you like detail, I'll add more. Dont forget to vote and add this book to your library.

Shadowed25 💜

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