Chapter 4: My friends: the shadows

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I take deep breaths before a yawn escapes my lips and reluctantly I grab a cushion and some covers, falling asleep at my bay window, the descending light from the moon showering down over me...


The sound of silence fills the empty home, except for the light snores from the room where I lay asleep. The silence is broken as my alarm echoes throughout the home and I jolt up, my heart clenching. I relax after I realise its my phone and turn it off, stretching as I stand and follow my regular morning routine. Thank god its a Saturday!

I walk downstairs, rubbing my tired eyes as I go outside and check the mail, spotting the familar red base and gold outlining. I reach in and snatch the letter from the box, running inside and sitting on the sofa as I carelssly rip open the letter. A folded piece of paper falls to the ground and I pick it up, placing it next to me as I unfold the letter and begin reading:

Dear Addy,

I'm sorry to have sprung this upon you but beileve me I wouldn't have told you anything if I knew you weren't the right one or that you couldn't handle it. The other piece of paper is a map of Therondia and where each Seven Kingdoms are. I also circled my exact location. Dont worry about school or your mother. I'll sort it, but get here as quick as possible. To come here, you must chant these words:

'Kingdoms that have risen,
Turned to a prison,
They're trapped in chains
I must go to the place they call
The Kingdoms of flames'

Hurry Addy. We need you.

I love you my noble one

Aunt Rosel x

I repeat the chant in my head over and over again but dare say it aloud. I set the letter down and pick up the map, examining it.

In a semi circle is each of the 7 Kingdoms and in the centre is the villages. There's visible borders between each Kingdom and I look for a circle. Very evidently, a red circle is direcrly at the start in a Kingdom known as Chagrin- run by Acacia, the Queen of Wrath, if I remember correctly.

I stand and grab my computer, taking my place back on the black, comfy sofa before opening the device and going on google search.
"Therondia." I speak aloud as I type it in. Images of a Kingdom show and I click on a website. It reads:

'Therondia was a mythical Kingdom, a place known for its magic and peace. It is said that King Friedrich was killed by a human and the seven daughters became Queens of 7 new Kingdoms. These Kingdoms where based off the seven deadly sins: wrath, greed, lust, pride, gluttony, sloth and jealousy. This was based off the magic the new daughters had awokened inside of them. The Seven Kingdoms seperated with new names, evil taking over the once harmonsied Kingdom: Therondia.'

Its all just a story. So how is it real? Suddenly, the door opens and I gulp as my mother walks in, 2 bags in each of her hands. I shut my computer and take a deep breath before standing up and helping her with the bags, placing them on the kitchen table.
"Thanks dear. You feeling better?" She asks and I nod.
"Yeah must have been a one time thing." I say and bite my lip in nervousness.
"Oh your Aunt Rosel called me. She asked if you could stay with her for a few months. I hate to let you go but I know how close you and Rosel are so I agreed. She informed the school and since your already ahead in your studies, if you do work from time to time and submit it they dont mind." My eyes widen and my hands start shaking but I hide it, clenching my fists.
"Thats amazing. I'll start packing." I said and my mothet embraces me.
"I wont be able to see you off tommorow but I trust you know what your doing. I love you." My mother says on the verge of tears.

My mother and I very rarely spend part away from each other. I have no friends here in this town and I see my mum as not only my parent but my best friend.
"I'll be fine mum. I love you too." I kiss her head before running upstairs, pulling out a backpack and packing my necessary day and night clothes and shoes. I change into my pjs for bed and climb into the relaxing and blissful furniture.

I turn all the lights off and close the curtains, sleeping in the darkness. The shadows are my friends and the horrors of the night my entertainment. I close my eyes and the silhouettes cuddle me as I fall into a deep sleep.

Chapter 4! Hope your enjoying the development of this story and if you have any suggestions, improvements, comments or even opinions feel free to tell me it all. Dont forget to vote and add this book to your library.


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