Chapter 24: Travelling from above

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"Well Voracity is good for one thing. They always have food." My stomach rumbles loudly at the mention of food and my mouth starts to water.
"Yes please, I'm starving." I groan and Haden laughs, leading me to a restaurant.

We take our food out and eat down the street. I had a burger and a coke. It was heaven!
"The Queen might wanna try and kill me but compliments to her and the food. It's amazing!" I gush to Haden as we take a seat in a more secluded area of the town, finishing up our meal.
"Two more Kingdoms, can you believe it? The minute you get rid of the Queens, we'll all be free and you return home." I smile at Hadens staement before it falters as a new idea enters my thoughts.
"Haden...what about us?" I ask and he raises his eyebrow questioningly.
"Well when I go back, are you coming with me?" I ask and he gulps, averting his gaze from me.
"I knew you'd think of this but I-I cant go back there. I stopped ageing Adeline here, but in your world, there's no magic and there will be no me, no us." I feel tears brim my eyes and he reaches across the table, intertwining our fingers.
"B-but I cant leave you here." I sigh, letting a tear slip and he gives me a small smile, catching the tear.
"Hey look at me." Haden says and I stare deep into his crimson eyes.

The eyes I imagine staring into for the rest of my life, the eyes I thought would watch me and comfort me or join me in my happiest and darkest times.
"I'll never leave you. Maybe physically yeah, but I promise, I'll always be in there." He says, pointing to my heart.
"We'll figure something out." I say and he nods, kissing my knuckles.
"C'mon we gotta be brave. You have Kingdoms to save." He says and I laugh, nodding my head.
"That was good." I say and he smiles proudly.
"I know." He says cockily and I tut.
"Careful, we're in the Kingdom Of Gluttony, we left the Kingdom of Pride." I smirk, walking forward as he rolls his eyes and catches up with me.

We travel further down and for some reason everyone looks at us then exchanges glances with other Shapers. I always feel a gaze upon us and usually when I look, I'm right.
"Haden why is everyone staring at us?" I ask and he chuckles at my oblivion to whatever obvious knowledge he had.
"Sweetheart, look around. These people live for food that's why we're here but look at us. We can survive without it for a few hours, they can't." I let out an understanding hum. He's right! Everyone here commit the sin gluttony and we've been here for a few hours and have only eaten once. To them that's not normal.
"Well what do we do? Our cover can't be blown, god knows what will happen when they start getting suspicious." I say panickingly and Haden nods.
"That's why I said what I did. Gluttony may not seem to be the worst sin but they sure can tell when someone else is an outsider and we stick out like sore thumbs." I bite my lip, a habit I do out of nervousness as I grab Hadens arm and subtly drag him to darker corners.
"What do you suggest we do?" I ask and he smirks, a mischevious glint in his eye.
"I say we travel by up there." I follow where he's pointing and my eyes land on the roofs.
"Okay lets do it!" I say, running to a brick wall. There's not much to climb with so I simply kick of one wall and land on the other, repeating this until I'm stable at the top. Haden's already there and I stick my tongue out at him. He smirks before looking at me then forward.
"Race you!" He yells and starts sprinting to the edge of the building, getting ready to jump to the other one. I laugh and follow behind him, loving the adrenaline rush I get as the wind whips back my hair and the rush you get when you feel your legs almost taking off.

Don't even get me started on how it feels to jump. You've got to make sure it's a good leap or you'll immeditaly fall through the gaps but, when you do jump successfully, its so...exhilarating!

Chapter 24 and they're travelling from above!

Will they make it? What will happen in Voracity? Find out in the next chapter!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and dont forget to vote, comment and add this story to your library. Thanks!

Shadowed25 💜

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