Your daughter gets her period

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Michael - "I will be home in time for dinner. Pizza again?" You sighed, Michael nodding as he held you close to him. "You know me so well." He brought his lips to yours, beginning to kiss you passionately. He put his tongue into your mouth as you heard a scoff, your 13 year old daughter, Mackayla, entering the room. "Gross!" You two disconnected as you grabbed the keys. "Behave you two!" You shouted, as they shared glances, chuckling as you finally left. "Is mom bringing food back?" Michael nodded, grabbing an apple as they went their separate ways. It wasn't but an hour later, when Mackayla dialed Michael's phone, him jumping as he was almost asleep. "Mack, if you need something don't be lazy." She sighed, her hands shaking. "How much longer before mom gets home?" "Another hour why?" He heard her sigh as he noticed something was wrong. He ended the call, running upstairs as the bathroom door was locked. "Mack, what's wrong?" "I um, I s-started my um, my period." Michael froze, gulping. "Oh, hold on." He ran to the bathroom, grabbing some pads of yours as he slid them under the door, a smile growing on her face. "If I were you I would uh, I would take a s-shower?" She giggled, nodding as she did what he told her to do. "Thanks!"

Luke - Your daughter was now 15 years old, and she still hasn't started her period yet. You grew concerned, taking her to the doctor only to find out she was just a late bloomer. It was later in the evening, she was upstairs in her room, doing her homework as Luke was song writing on the couch, your legs thrown over his. "Oh shoot," You said, sitting up and then standing. "What?" He asked, biting on his pencil led as you grabbed your shoes. "I forgot to buy Ashleigh some candy for tomorrow. I'll be right back." You left the house, leaving the driveway as Luke got back to his music. A minute later, he heard a squeal. He jumped up, running upstairs as he found out Ashleigh was in the bathroom, the door locked. "Ash, what's wrong?" She let out a sigh, cracking the door as he only saw her eye. "Where is mom?" "She went to the store for you." She sighed, "This is awkward." "No it's not, what's wrong?" "I just started my period." "Well this IS awkward." Luke froze, grabbing his phone as she shut the door back. "Hello?" You answered, standing in the line of the store. "Hey babe, uh, Ashleigh just started her per-" You squealed and ran from the line, going to get what she needed. "I'll be home in 10! My baby is growing up!" Luke hung up, as Ashleigh peeked out. "She'll be home in 10, just take a shower or something."

Ashton - You had to go out of town with your parents this weekend, so Ashton and Bethany had the whole house to themselves. She just turned 14 and she had been cranky all week. You laid on the couch, Ashton on the other end of the phone. "What is she doing?" You asked, sighing, missing them even though you've only been gone for a day. "I dunno, I think she's asleep." Ashton got comfortable on the couch as he sighed. "I miss you." He whispered, you smiling. "I miss you too." "In more ways than you think." He whispered again, a smirk appearing on his face as you started to blush. "You don't know what I would do to you if you were here right now." "Why don't you tell me?" You challenged as he cleared his throat. "Well first I wo-" He was cut off by Bethany screaming upstairs. "Bethany!" He stayed on the line with you as he saw her bathroom door was shut and locked. "What's wrong, honey?" You started to panic, as Bethany sighed. "I got my period!" Ashton froze as you heard. "Listen to me Ash, go into our bathroom and grab some of my pads from the cabinet." He did as you said, grabbing them as he slid them under the door to her. "Now give her the phone." He sighed, pushing the phone under the door too, as you started to tell your daughter every thing she needed to know.

Calum - "Daddy, my stomach hurts!" Your 14 year old, complained as Calum rubbed his temples, his heart now aching for you to come home. "When is mom coming home?" She asked, frowning as she sat beside Calum. "She'll be home at 7." It was now 6:45 and she groaned even louder. Olivia stood from the couch, Calum's attention drawing to her pants. "Olivia you have something on your pants." She gasped, running upstairs as Calum listened intently for her to say something. "Oh my god!" He stood, walking up there as she stared to cry. "I got my period and I need my mom." Calum got out his phone, dialing you quick as you immediately picked up. "Hey baby." "Our daughter just got her period." You gasped, picking up your speed as you were only ten minutes away from the house. "Tell her to take a shower and I will be home in 10 minutes." Calum muttered an okay as he ended the call. He heard Olivia still crying. "Hey babe, calm down. You're going to be fine. Mom will be here in 10 minutes, she said just take a shower and she will be here soon." She nodded, beginning to shower as you showed up, going upstairs to aid your shaken up daughter.


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