Your sick

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Ashton: You came home from work one day completely exhausted. Your head was pounding and you were feeling a bit nauseous. You were greeted by an extra hyper Ashton. His face falls when he notices the look on your face. "Are you okay baby?" He instantly pulls you into him, rubbing your hair softly. "I don't feel good Ash." You whine into his chest. He gives you a sympathetic look. "Poor baby. Why don't you go lie down and I'll make you something to eat huh?" You crack a smile. "Thanks Ash." You croak out as you shuffle to the bedroom. You collapse onto the soft duvet and bury your head into the pillows. Not long after you lay down, you're rushing towards the bathroom, trying to keep in your lunch until you reach the toilet. You empty out the contents of your stomach and lean against the wall, regaining your breath. "Y/N?" Ashton calls from the bedroom. "In here." You mutter meekly. He rushes towards you. "Why didn't you call me? I could've helped you." He slowly helps you to your feet. "My mouth was a bit busy unfortunately." He smiles. "Next time I'm not leaving your side. I want to be with you and help you until you feel better. Just call me Doctor Irwin!" He exclaims earning a giggle from your lips. "Thanks Ash." You croak out. He slowly wraps you up in his arms, lifting you off the ground, carrying you to the bedroom. As soon as he lays you down, the fire alarm goes off and the foul smell of something burning fills the room. "MY SOUP!" He shrieks like a little girl before running off to the kitchen. While he fixes his mess you doze off into a deep sleep.

Calum: "Calum!?" You croak out from your spot on the bed. "Yes baby?" He pops his head into the bedroom, smiling at the sight of you in one of his sweaters, wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets. "Can you please make me some tea?" He smiles. "Anything for you my dear." He blows you a kiss. "Now I'll be back with your tea." He makes a dash to the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with a steaming cup of tea. "Thank you Cal." You wrap your hands around the mug, absorbing its warmth. You release a sigh. "I'm cold." You mumble. He walks over to you and plops himself down beside you, wrapping his arms around your shivering torso. "You're warm." You say, nuzzling yourself further into his body. He reaches up to feel your forehead. "You may feel like you're freezing but you're burning up!" He exclaims, a worried expression replacing his relaxed one. He jumps out of the bed causing you to groan due to the removal of his body heat. "I'm going to get you some medicine." You pout. "Noooo, stay here!" He giggles slightly. "You need medicine." You groan in annoyance. "Medicine is yucky." You frown. "I'll be back Y/N." You start to call after him but all it does is make your voice go weaker. You sigh, taking a sip of the hot tea. Your boyfriend returns moments later with some Benadryl. "Open your mouth princess." He coos. Knowing that there is no use in arguing with him, you unwillingly open your mouth. You grimace when the gross liquid meets your taste buds. You gag slightly. "Just swallow it baby, it'll be over soon." You gulp down the disgusting liquid and he smiles at you proudly. "Good girl." He says, ruffling your hair with his hand. You pout. "Now come cuddle with me Cal." He smiles. "Gladly." He lies down beside you once again, allowing you to nuzzle yourself further into him. "Go to sleep baby." You yawn. "Stay with me?" He kisses your temple. "Of course." You allow yourself to relax into him, falling asleep with his hands rubbing soothing circles into your back.

Michael: Your head was pounding and your stomach felt like you were being stabbed with little knives every now and then. To sum it up, you felt like shit. You shift from your current position in Michael's arms. He looks down at you and pauses the video game. "You need anything baby?" You shake your head. "I'm fine." You croak out, "You don't seem fine." He says, turning off the TV. "Play your game Mikey, I'm fine I swear." He shakes his head. "No you're not." He stands up and grabs his car keys. "Where are you going?" You whine. "Well I'm going to go buy you some soup. Do you want anything else?" You think about it for a bit. "I wouldn't mind some ice cream." You whisper. He smiles. "Sure. We can watch a movie when I get back if you want." You take in a deep breath, "That'd be nice." "I'll be back in a bit. If you need anything, and I mean anything, feel free to call me or one of the boys." You give him a nod before mumbling thanks. You hear the door slam shut and you turn on the TV, tuning into the Cartoon Network. Halfway through Adventure Time you fall into a deep sleep. You feel the couch shift slightly and you slowly wake up. "Shh, go back to sleep Y/N." He whispers. "I want ice cream." You whine. He chuckles. "This is why I love you." You smile. He goes to the kitchen and returns moments later with a pint of Ben and Jerry's. You smile as you take a spoonful of the sweet ice cream. "Thank you baby." You say with a mouthful of ice cream. You cuddle up with Michael on the couch and he tunes into a random movie. You finish off your ice cream and watch the rest of the movie together. He interrupts you every now and then to ask if you're okay or if you need anything. You both end up falling asleep on the couch together.

Luke: You were just lying down in the bedroom watching TV when Luke came home from the studio. He calls your name and you let out a quiet reply. He comes into the bedroom and takes in your appearance. "You look worse than you did in the morning baby." You give him a glare. "Thanks babe, that'll boost my self-esteem." He frowns slightly. "I didn't mean it like that princess." You nod. "I know." He sits down beside you. "How are you feeling?" You groan. "Like crap." He runs his hands through his hair. "Uh do you need anything?" He has a puzzled look on his face. "I'm fine Luke. It's just a sore throat." He lays his head down. "I just hate to see you so unhappy." He frowns. "That's sweet Lukey, but I swear I'm fine. You've been busy at the studio, just lie down and relax." He sighs. "But-" You silence him. "I promise that if I need anything I'll tell you." He eventually nods in agreement. You focus your attention on the TV screen. Around half an hour later you hear soft snores escaping from Luke's lips. You place a kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight baby."

A/N: Not too happy with this. Sorry Luke's is so short. F E E D B A C K PLEASE! Remember to request and yea :) ily xx

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