Luke imagine

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Do not read if it triggers self harm.


"I hate you!" I yelled picking up the lamp and throwing it in Luke's direction. "Why the fuck would you do that? huh!" I said pushing him back slightly by his shoulders.

Luke and I have been best friends for years now and he goes and blabs my darkest secret to my parents and my therapist. Yes, I self harm. Yes, I had to go for therapy for it and yes, I told the Luke Hemmings.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I did this for you, why the fuck can't you understand that?!" he said; yelling the last part. "When the fuck will you understand that I don't want anything for myself?!" I yelled even louder.

"Why can't you understand that I want you!" he said trailing off on the last part. "I mean I want you to get better!"

"That's not your problem, it's mine, it's none of your fucking business and you had no right to go and tell them!" Luke and I became friends through twitter and soon started hanging out and became best friends. The only reason I even told him because I thought with him away on tour half the time, he wouldn't have enough time to confront me about it properly, but he went and told the worst people possible.

"You have no idea what the fuck you've just done! You went and told my parents, MY PARENTS! I'm so fricking screwed. "Your parents will do something about it, they'll take care of you!"

"Luke, I never told you why I did this right? Well it's because my parents hit me. Yeah, let the pity party begin! C'mon, Luke tell me 'how you didn'y know' and how 'you're so sorry!' Go on!" He stayed still and didn't say anything. Instead he turned around and locked himself in the hotel bathroom that we were currently at.

Great, now I have exactly 0 friends left. Wow what joy. I picked up the broken piece of glass from the lamp went to the corner, lifted my pants up and started making slow, painful cuts across my inner thighs. After about 40 cuts, Luke came out of the bathroom. I didn't look up bc it was too shameful.

He dropped to his knees in front of me and put his hand under my chin, making me look at him. His eyes were red and puffy and swollen, just like how mine probably were. "Sto-op" he said, his voice cracking at the end. "Why?" I whispered back softly. He slowly picked me up bridal style and lifted me onto the bed. "Because I love you..."

"What?" I replied startled. "Because I love you" "You don't know how many times, I've wished you would say that" I whispered. "I'm going to kiss you now..." Luke said. I feebly nodded as he brought his lips to mine. They moved slowly against eachother as we rid each other of our clothes. He broke the kiss and whispered against my lips "You're beautiful and I love you"

He went down and started kissing all the cuts on my legs and thighs. Slowly and carefully, each and every single one. I whimpered quietly as he pulled my panties down along with his boxers.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, knowing this was my first time. I nodded feebly afraid that if I opened my mouth I would cry again.

He slowly pushed into me and we both moaned loudly. "Oh Y/N I love you so much" He peppered kisses all over my face, effectively reducing the pain. He kissed me again, all this while, keeping the slow pace. In a few minutes, we both reached our highs as he kissed me one last time.

He slowly pulled out of me and pulled me into his chest as he kissed my forehead softly. "I love you" I said quietly. "I love you" he said. "You are coming on tour with me and that's final" he said. I nodded not bothering to protest, because I wanted this just as much as him, if not more.

"You will stop, for me right?" he asked fumbling on his words. "It's not as easy as you think..." He nodded in understanding as we both drifted off to sleep.

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