Demon luke

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"He looks human enough."

"That's where the similarities end, Y/N. Always remember that, they may look like us, sound like us, and they might even act like humans. But they aren't. Demon's are dangerous, you can never trust them." Your father cast a disgusted grimace at the demon pacing the pentagram in the middle of the room. "They're only useful for doing our dirty work."
At his words the demon boy hissed, teeth elongating, and strode toward your father before stopping still when the bounds prevented him from moving further.

"You remember what I taught you?" You nodded firmly; you'd waited years for your Father to finally teach you his Mage ways. He reminded you to be careful before sweeping from the room.

You took a moment to assess the demon before you. It was tall, with styled blonde hair that just added to its height. A black ring sat through his lip, but what caught your attention the most was his iridescent cobalt eyes.
As you circled the ring of salt you noticed the demon's confused expression as he surveyed the markings around him and then you, eyebrows drawn together, head cocked to the side in curiosity.

"What are to staring at, Demon?" You asked.

"I-" he cleared his throat. "I have never seen a human before. You look... Weak. Pathetic." His voice was not what you expected; it was soft, lyrical, - seductive, even - and heavily accented.

"How powerful are you, demon?" You chose to disregard his words.

"I am very powerful, second highest ranking in my realm. And my name is Luke, not Demon." He spat.

"Luke, ey? Is that short for Lucifer?" At your words, Luke surged towards the boundaries.
"Lucas, actually. And I don't appreciate being made fun of, especially by a... Human. You're lucky that you father is a strong Mage, or I would break through these bounds and kill you before you could scream."
"Listen here, Demon, you're here on my terms. I summoned and bound you, not my Dad. So you'll listen to me and do as I say," You took a step with every point you were making, "Human's are far from weak, we are strong and we ca-" The sound of crunching underfoot stopped you words. Heart jumping to your throat, you looked down at the gap in the salt; swiped away by your converse.
Your head shot up to see the Demon smirking at you, and then he lunged.
Within milliseconds you were pushed against the wall with your hands pinned above your head and your toes only just touching the floor. Being a mage's daughter you had encountered Demons many times but you had never been this close. His broad body was centimetres from yours and you could feel his cool breath on your face. One hand fell from your wrists to ghost across the contours of your body; caressing your waist and up your stomach, fingers dipping into the valley between your breasts before tracing your exposed collarbones. The Demon's eyebrows once again knitted together at the way you shivered and writhed at his calloused touch.
"He looks human enough."

"That's where the similarities end, Y/N. Always remember that, they may look like us, sound like us, and they might even act like humans. But they aren't. Demon's are dangerous, you can never trust them." Your father cast a disgusted grimace at the demon pacing the pentagram in the middle of the room. "They're only useful for doing our dirty work."
At his words the demon boy hissed, teeth elongating, and strode toward your father before stopping still when the bounds prevented him from moving further.

"You remember what I taught you?" You nodded firmly; you'd waited years for your Father to finally teach you his Mage ways. He reminded you to be careful before sweeping from the room.

You took a moment to assess the demon before you. It was tall, with styled blonde hair that just added to its height. A black ring sat through his lip, but what caught your attention the most was his iridescent cobalt eyes.
As you circled the ring of salt you noticed the demon's confused expression as he surveyed the markings around him and then you, eyebrows drawn together, head cocked to the side in curiosity.

"What are to staring at, Demon?" You asked.

"I-" he cleared his throat. "I have never seen a human before. You look... Weak. Pathetic." His voice was not what you expected; it was soft, lyrical, - seductive, even - and heavily accented.

"How powerful are you, demon?" You chose to disregard his words.

"I am very powerful, second highest ranking in my realm. And my name is Luke, not Demon." He spat.

"Luke, ey? Is that short for Lucifer?" At your words, Luke surged towards the boundaries.
"Lucas, actually. And I don't appreciate being made fun of, especially by a... Human. You're lucky that you father is a strong Mage, or I would break through these bounds and kill you before you could scream."
"Listen here, Demon, you're here on my terms. I summoned and bound you, not my Dad. So you'll listen to me and do as I say," You took a step with every point you were making, "Human's are far from weak, we are strong and we ca-" The sound of crunching underfoot stopped you words. Heart jumping to your throat, you looked down at the gap in the salt; swiped away by your converse.
Your head shot up to see the Demon smirking at you, and then he lunged.
Within milliseconds you were pushed against the wall with your hands pinned above your head and your toes only just touching the floor. Being a mage's daughter you had encountered Demons many times but you had never been this close. His broad body was centimetres from yours and you could feel his cool breath on your face. One hand fell from your wrists to ghost across the contours of your body; caressing your waist and up your stomach, fingers dipping into the valley between your breasts before tracing your exposed collarbones. The Demon's eyebrows once again knitted together at the way you shivered and writhed at his calloused touch.
"You are odd creatures, you humans." Luke's eyelid's closed slowly and when they opened his pupils had dilated to flood the whites of his eyes, the enchanting blue of his irises no longer visible. "One good trait about you smell divine." With that, he pressed his face into your neck. Inhaling deeply, Luke ran his nose up your jaw to your cheek to whisper in your ear, "You made a mistake by summoning me, Mage's daughter. I'll make you pay for trying to bind me."
To your surprise, his lips met yours in a searing kiss. The sensation was unlike anything you'd ever experienced; hot, passionate, and his tongue did things you thought should be illegal. Too soon it ended and Luke moved his lips to you bare neck. You found yourself clutching onto the shirt he wore for dear life, your mind clouded over and you lost all inhibitions. That is, until you felt his razor sharp teeth pierce the flesh of your neck.
Screaming out in pain and anger, white energy surged from your finger tips. Luke staggered backwards - smoke rising from his charred shirt and skin - and let out a cruel balk of laughter.
"You'll never get rid of me now. I'll be back, Princess."
With a curl of his lips, he was gone.

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