Your younger then him

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Ashton: The fact that you were younger than your boyfriend by four years didn't really make you likeable among the fans. In fact, the fans think you're too young for him and even send you shit for it because they didn't think an "immature bitch" was suited for a nineteen year old like Ashton. Despite being fifteen years old, you were actually pretty mature for your age and because the fans didn't really you quickly without even bothering to get to know you better. You closed your laptop shut, unable to take all of the bad things everyone has been sending you over Twitter, taking your head in your hands. The tears stinged your eyes, and you began to breathe in and out slowly, trying to calm yourself down and forget all of the hurtful things they said about you. The tears rolled down your cheek and you felt your chest tightening, their words ringing over and over in your head. "Just breathe," you instructed yourself and began to take deep breaths now. Within five minutes, you calmed yourself down and turned around, only to be met with a hurt and concerned looking Ashton. Your eyes saw the pain hiding in his eyes, which caused you to break down almost immediately. He pulled you in his arms when you did, taking in his warmth with a sigh - he was always there for you, and you couldn't understand why he still sticks around even though all you do is cry in front of him and break down. You weren't suited for him and you knew that, you just don't understand why he's still here even though. "Why do you still stay with me? Everyone says I'm too young for you and that we're not meant for each other," You whispered, a tear rolling down your cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb and holds your face in his hands, sighing as he presses his forehead against yours, "I don't care if you're four years younger than me, Y/N. I love you and that's that - my heart chose you, and I can't do anything about that. And I can't just leave, you already have my heart and I can't live without my heart now can I?" You giggled at his reply and wrapped your arms around his body. "I love you so much Ashton." You might not understand why he wanted to stay, but you're glad he does. You're glad that he chose you, and you were left wondering what you did right to deserve someone as flawless as Ashton.

Michael: "How's my favorite sixteen year old girlfriend?" Your boyfriend asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. He rested his head on you shoulder and you sighed, shaking your head slightly at his words. Although you have been dating for a few months now, you're still insecure because you were two years younger than Michael. The age gap wasn't that big, but it still worried you because Michael always teases you about being immature because you were younger than him. "Michael," you answered, a hint of anger present in your voice. "Do you mean to say you have other girlfriends that aren't sixteen?" You elbowed his stomach, but it wasn't that hard at all. He placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder and smiled, "You know you're the only one for me, babe." Although you knew he was only teasing, you still didn't like him pointing out you age difference. "Babe?" He whispers, looking at you when you didn't respond. You were biting your lip, looking away from him in an attempt to make him see that you weren't happy with his teasing. "Oh come on babe," he says, whipping you around so you were facing him. Green eyes met with yours, and you forgot how to breathe for a second. Michael was beautiful - his beautiful emerald eyes shone in the sunlight, and his newly dyed hair, which looked like a reverse skunk looked extremely good on him. Your eyes found his red lips and you could hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears. He was perfect, and you couldn't understand why he wanted to be with someone as average as you. "Babe, are you mad?" He asked, holding you by the shoulders. You looked away from his mesmerizing eyes and fixed your gaze onto the ground, pulling on the sleeves of your sweaters. "Babe, I'm sorry," He says, pulling you against him. You had your head against his chest, and you could hear his racing heartbeat. "I actually like the fact that you're younger than me, it makes me feel that I should always be there to protect you," he says, placing his head on top of yours. Being in his arms like that made you feel safe, and wanted, and you believed his words. "I will protect you, Y/N. I'll always be here, I love you," he says as holds you even tighter, and you knew this is where you belonged - right here in his arms.

Calum: Being three years younger than your boyfriend wasn't easy, especially when said boyfriend was only seventeen, making you fourteen. You had just turned fourteen recently, and the older fans didn't like that a fourteen year old was dating Calum. You were going out with him for a lunch date, and a lunch date meant going out together in public. You were nervous - it wasn't because you were ashamed of being with Calum, Calum was the best thing that's ever happened to you. You were nervous because you were afraid of the fans who would bash you for being younger than him if they ever see you out together. Believe it or not, but there have been a few fans who met Calum and didn't like your age difference with him. "Why are you so tense?" He asked as he glanced up at you. You shrugged, shaking your head slightly, "Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it," You gasped lightly upon seeing three teenage girls run up to the two of you, squeezing Calum's hand slightly. He glanced at you, squeezing back before turning to the girls with a huge smile on his tanned face. You let go of his large hand and stepped away from him, so the fans could come closer to take a picture. You watched as one of the fans wrapped an arm around him, kissing his cheek and you smiled slightly, trying to mask the pain. You had to understand that fans can kiss his cheek but it still makes you a bit jealous though. You turned around, only to stand face to face with a taller blonde, who was looking at you with a grimace. "Wh-what is it?" You stuttered, but you knew what was gonna come. "You're too young for him, you know. You know nothing about love and he doesn't need to babysit someone like you." You bit your lip to stop your tears from falling. Even though you're used to it, it still hurts being told that Calum shouldn't be with you. "I-I know," You said, turning away but someone grabs your arm, causing you to look up. You met Calum's gaze and your eyes widened when he pulled you to his chest. "Please don't say things like that to the person I love. I honestly don't care about age differences, as long as we love each other, everything's fine. I hope someday you grow to love her as I did," he smiles and pecks your forehead, causing you to blush and the rude fan to storm away, followed by her much nicer friends. "I love you Cal," you whispered as you buried your head in his chest.

Luke: "Being sixteen sucks," you muttered as you folded your arms across your chest, causing your seventeen year old boyfriend to look up at you and smile. "And why do you say that?" He asked, ruffling your hair. You pouted, swatting his hand away as he laughed. "Well I don't know, I just don't understand why you're so protective of me," You pouted, meeting his beautiful pools of sapphire, causing you to stop breathing for a second. His eyes were always so beautiful, so mesmerizing, that it takes your breath away everytime. Luke took a deep breath and expelled it, giving you a slight smile. Luke was a year older than you, and you've been dating him for a month now. He's been really overprotective of you, and always seems to worry too much. You liked the way he treats you, but sometimes it gets pretty suffocating for you. "Sometimes it makes me feel like you're treating me like a child," You confessed, his eyes widening at your words. His arms made its way around your body, pulling you close to his chest. You breathed in the familiar scent of his cologne, wrapping your arms around him to close the distance between the two of you. "I'm sorry if it feels like that, I didn't know." He says, drawing shapes on your back. You could feel his racing heartbeat in his chest, and his warmth made the butterflies in your stomach flutter. "I just wanted to treat you as a princess because you're my little princess," He chuckles. "The princess should always be protected at all times and treated very well, like nothing less than the best should be offered to her. You're my princess, Y/N, you're perfect and I'm so in love with you," He says, beginning to play with the strands of your hair. Your heart raced upon hearing his words, causing a light blush to spread on your cheeks. He had this effect on you, and you hated how he doesn't know how every little thing he does affects you. His eyes, his smile, his nose, his blonde hair, his laugh, his dimples, his hands, his fingers, his arms, his chest, his legs, his feet. The way he laughs whenever Calum does something really stupid. The way he pouts whenever Michael says something to annoy him. The way he smiles whenever he hears Ashton's giggle. The way he looks at you everytime you catch him looking. Everything. He was perfect, and you were so glad he was yours. "Thank you, Luke. And you're my prince right?" You breathed out, and you felt him nod. He placed a kiss on the top of your head, saying, "Always and forever. I love you so much."

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