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"I'm really nervous, Michael." You said, bouncing up and down on his doorstep. He wrapped an arm around your waist tightly before smiling down at you. "They'll love you, I promise." He murmured, kissing your temple lightly. The door was opened by Michael's mother, who beamed at the sight of you. "Oh my God, you must be (y/n)!" She said excitedly. You nodded shyly and extended your hand out to shake hers. She shook it with a warm smile, but then pulled you into the hug. You were a little taken aback, but you somewhat awkwardly returned the gesture. "Sorry," she apologized, letting you go and straightening out her outfit. "I just hear so much about you from Michael! You seem like such a lovely girl, and I'm so happy for the two of you. Although, I am disappointed in him for not introducing you to us sooner. I hadn't realized you'd been dating for close to a year!" She said in disbelief. You smiled at her and nodded. "Oh, sorry, please, come in!" She said, opening the door more so that you could step through. Michael's hand dropped from your waist, but he took your hand and gripped it firmly instead. "I missed you," Michael's mom said in a softer voice to her son. Her eyes were full of affection as she pulled him into a hug. He released your hand just long enough to hold onto her tightly, then took it back as soon as she let go. "Well, you should go meet Michael's father, and then we can have dinner. How does that sound?" "That sounds amazing, Mrs. Clifford, thank you." You said sincerely. She smiled at you before joining her husband in the kitchen. Michael pulled you back before you could follow her. "I love you," he whispered, his eyes a little teary. "Michael Clifford, are you crying?" You asked him, although the sight made your heart swell with affection towards him. "I just... I've always wanted my parents to meet the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, and now they have, and I'm just so happy they like you, and so happy that you're at my home. I never want this to change."


Calum's family was probably the sweetest family you'd ever met. It wasn't your first encounter with them, but it was the first time all of you had actually sat down, and had a meal and a nice conversation together. Calum's mom already adored you, and Mali-Koa was the nicest girl you'd met so far. They shared many laughs with you, and Calum held your hand supportively the entire time, quiving it an occasional squeeze. "You know, they absolutely love you," Calum said as he followed you to the kitchen where you were rinsing off your plate. "Really?" You asked, hopefulness in your voice. He nodded, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead before setting his plate in the sink. You walked out of the kitchen hand in hand, and sat around the Christmas tree. Mrs. Hood told you stories about Calum when he was little, resulting in a little banter, and causing you too laugh a little harder than you should have. Unfortunately, the night neared an end, and Calum showed you to your room upstairs. "I wish you would come here more often," Calum sighed, rubbing his thumb over your arm. You shivered and smiled. "So do I. But you're hardly here anyways." You reminded him. "I love you, (y/n)." He smiled, wrapping has arms around your waist. You grinned up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck, one after the other. "I love you, too, Calum Hood." You sighed happily. He leaned down to press his lips to yours gently. "You know, I intend to be able to call you Mrs. (Y/n) Hood one day, right?" He asked, causing you to laugh. "We'll see about that, mister." You giggled. "Not that I would mind," you added quietly, causing him to pull you close to him in a hug. "Goodnight, (y/n),"


The Irwins were unquestionably the best family to spend Christmas with. Their holidays were extremely eventful, but Easter was ridiculously fun. Not only did they leave out a beer for Santa Claus, (aussies know how to party man) but they were probably the funniest family you'd ever encountered. You were sat in their living room on the floor, Ashton right next to you. His arm was slung around your shoulder, a beer in his hand. He was right at home, literally and figuratively, yelling out jokes and laughing that adorable laugh of his. You were a bit more reserved, giggling when things were funny, and occasionally saying something. Harry, Ashton's younger brother, said something about mistletoe. "Harry, when did you learn about that?" You giggled. You were much more aquainted with Harry and Lauren than almost any of the other Irwins, besdies Ashton himself. "I know loads about it! We've been talking about holidays in school, and a girl taught me what it does." Ashton looked over at you with a proud expression before you both broke out into laughter. "Ooh, looks like (y/n) and Ashton have got to kiss now," Lauren said from her spot on the couch. Ashton looked at you with a confused expression, and you only looked up. Harry was dangling some plastic mistletoe above your heads. "That's my boy," Ashton laughed, causing you to blush. Ashton grinned at you, eye mischevious. "Make it a good one!" One of Ashton's family members teased. Swiftly, he tilted your head back with his enormous hands and crashed his lasp onto yours. "Mhmm," You prostested slightly, but eventually melted into his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Keep it clean, keep it clean!" Mrs. Irwin shouted at the two of you swatting Ashton with a pillow. You heard cheers around you from Ashton's relatives as they congratulated Ashton on his kissing skills, causing the both of you to flush a bright red.


You had already had Christmas with Luke's family, and Luke had already had Christmas with yours. It was your third year dating, and the Hemmings' had all finally agreed to fly/drive/whatever to your house and have Christmas alongside of your family's. You could hardly contain your excitement, as well as nerves, when the doorbell rang, signaling their arrival. You opened the door and smiled at Luke as he pulled you into a huge hug. "I missed you," he mumbled into your hair as you embraced. You turned to his parents next, hugging the both of them, and then his brothers. Your parents joined you at the door, as well as your siblings. Your dad shook Luke's hand, and your mom pulled him into a tight hug. They were then introduced to his parents, who they immediately loved. It was quite crazy, actually, having that many people at your house only the night before Christmas. When you sat down for dinner, you realized that your father and Luke were both late. You had forgotten how much your dad liked talking to Luke. You were all sat around your Christmas tree after dinner, talking about the most random things, when Luke walked back into the room, a nervous expression on his face. "I-I have something I really need to say." He said, and your smile fell from your face. "(Y/n)," he turned to you and you stood up slowly. "Yeah?" "We've celebrated what's about to be three Christmases together. One with my family, and one with yours. Now we're celebrating together. I want it to be like this for the rest of my life. I want to spend all of my Christmases with you, (y/n), and now that everyone is finally gathered together, I couldn't think of a better time to ask you." Slowly, Luke got down on one knee and grinned up at you. "(Y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n), will you marry me?" He asked. Your hand instinctively flew to your mouth as your eyes teared up. "Of course!" You cried, lauching yourself at your fiancé.


Bc christmas
Who got otra tickets
really mad at my mom

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