Luke imagine xx

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Finally (Luke) Requested

Requested by anon - Hi, can you do one where you're famous and luke has a massive crush on you and he finally meets you but he's shy lol thanks :)

"So have you heard of 5 Seconds of summer?" The interviewer Stella asks me.

"Are there people who haven't?" I reply and she laughs.

"Well, when they were here last, we asked them their celebrity crush and Luke let it slip that he has a thing for you" she informs me.

"Is that why my twitter has been blowing up?"

"What do you think about that?"

"I am very flattered but they change their minds all the time. I'm sure by the time I meet them, it won't be the case" I joke.

"So you plan to meet them?"

"I hope so, one day soon."


3 months after my interview with Stella, my twitter blows up again with the hashtag 'Y/Npleasedateluke' and I can't help but laugh. I put up a tweet in response.

@Y/T/N: Don't you guys think that I should meet @Luke5SOS before I date him? #Y/Npleasedateluke

Several minutes later I see that 5SOS had retweeted my last and followed up with their own.

@5SOS: @Luke5SOS hasn't moved for about five minutes and I'm scared #Y/Npleasedateluke

I find myself laughing almost to tears when my phone rings.

"You literally broke the internet" my manager says.

"That's a bit of an exaggeration."

"Okay, well at least twitter."

"I can't help it, they have a huge fan base."

"You need to get together with them."

"I've been telling you that for 3 months."

"I can make it happen."

"I bet I can make it happen quicker."

"Twenty bucks."


We hang up and I immediately DM Ashton.

Me: My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Drinks at Barty's tonight at 8. Make sure Luke is still alive =)

Seconds later I have a response.

Ashton: Barty's at 8, bring live Luke. Deal.

I text my manager back:

To: Stacy Lynn

You owe me 20. Barty's at 8 lol.

To: Y/N


My phone signals another DM. When I open the message, I see it's from Ashton again.

Ashton: How did you know we were near Barty's?

Me: Your fans always know where you are. All I had to do was ask.

Ashton: That's true. How are we supposed to hide being at Barty's then?

Me: No one posts about it until after?

Ashton: Deal


"Does this outfit work?" I ask Stacy.


"Okay then, you coming out with us?"


"Why not?"

"Because I'm still trying to work things out for the next tour. Also, I'm a little old to be going out with teenagers."


"Don't get too drunk."

"When have I ever gott-"


"I'll try."

"Call me if you need a ride."

"I will, Mummy."


"Hi!" I shout over the music that is blaring through the speaker that is six inches from my head. I look at all four boys in turn and Ashton is the first one to come forwards and hug me. When he pulls away I hug Calum followed by Michael but when I get to Luke, he looks pale. I reach out and gather him in my arms.

"Hi Luke" I say into the hug.

"Hi" he mumbles. When I pull away, his face is bright red and he has his bottom lip up between his teeth. His feet are the focus of his attention so I smile at the boys before Calum winks and they head to the bar.I move over so I'm standing next to Luke and I exaggerate my movements as I stare at his feet too. I hear him laugh.

"Wh-What are you doing?" He asks and it's hardly audible.

"Well you seem awfully interested in your shoes so I wanted to see what was so interesting" I tell him with a smile. I'm satisfied when he looks up at me again. It seems that he has finally noticed that the others left and he looks almost panicked while he tries to find them. I feel my heart sink and let my smile falter.

"They are over by the bar" I tell him and I know that my smile has gone but I fake one when he looks back up. I walk with him towards the others and Ashton seems surprised. I give him a half smile.

"I thin I made him uncomfortable" I say into his ear. He looks up at Luke then back to me.

"Nah, he is just being Luke, probably just scared" he laughs but I just feel bad now. I fake a smile again and face then all.

"Excuse me a minute" I say and make my way to the restroom. I sit on the toilet lid and place my hands in my hair as I lean my elbows on my knees.

*Fantastic. I haven't told anyone that I like him back and now that we meet...I scare him. Way to go Y/N. He was probably just joking when he said that he liked me. I should have known that, why am I so stupid?* I hear a knock at the stall door.

"Excuse me but there is a very tall, very cute boy outside the door who asked me to check on you" she says.

"Ye-Yeah, one second."

"Okay, I'll tell him" she answers. I hear the door shut and I make my way to the mirror. I fix my hair and check my makeup before I exit to who I expect to be Ashton.

"I'm sorry" I feel surprise rise in my chest when Luke is there. " I was just...I'm a little nervous."

"Why?" I giggle.

"Because you know about my crush. Calum showed the camera my phone with the pictures" he answers quietly as his face turns red.

"Want to know a secret?" I ask and he looks up, surprised.

"Okay" he smiles. I take out my phone and show him my background which is a picture of Luke.

"It's a bit creepy I know but the thing one ever asked if I liked you back."

"Do you?"

"Yes" I blush and bite my lip, he giggles.

"Do you um. Do you want to dance or whatever?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." He takes my hand and leads me to the side of the dance floor, which I am so grateful for because neither of us can dance. When I look over at the others, Ashton gives me a thumbs up and I respond with a smile.

The fans are going to love this

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